View Full Version : GY-HD101 - The next generation in 6 months

Alexei Berteig
October 23rd, 2005, 06:14 AM
Straight from the horse's mouth: JVC is going to release the next version of the GY-HD100 series in about six months' time.

They're collecting feedback from early adopters how to improve the next camera. I've already made the following suggestions:

720p and 1080i multi-format.
Uncompressed HD out through firewire so we can all record uncompressed HD directly to disk.
Change the viewfinder to black and white.
Change the location of the XLR microphone inputs so they don't interfere with hand-held shots "from the hip."
*They know about the problems with the Fujinon lens, but didn't say whether or not they're going to change it.
Improve the lens or stock microphone.
Offer a battery solution that doesn't require $1,500 3rd-party solutions.
On-camera programmable user-preference buttons with a wider lattitude of options (gamma, etc)

I'm in touch with the head of JVC China, and he's collecting feedback from any pros who are using the camera and have ideas for improvements, so if you post your suggestions here I'll make sure they get to the people who can actually do something about it.

Shawn Alyasiri
October 23rd, 2005, 07:36 AM
Sounds great. I understand that JVC was very concerned about entering with a certain $5-$6K price point. For the record, I'd pay/and would have paid more to have a unit with enhanced features. For the most part, I really enjoy this camera, however, I only purchased it because their bigger HD7000 isn't ready yet. It's been a great utility camera though, as I'm using it to build my HD workflow/infrastructure. I feel like I can practice and test at ease, since there isn't a large chunk rolling as a bank loan on a bigger model. The current HD100 price seemed refreshingly low. Then you see the SSE anomaly and perhaps price point comes in...

Anyway - I'd guess and expect this HD101 would be a more expensive camera. I have no problem with that, certainly if it can boast all of the old features, plus some of the ones you're talking about, and be a non-issue run and gun cam that you can stick in a bunch of situations.

For what it's worth, I'd love to see the ability to stick a larger lens on the front - 18x-20x. Perhaps a 1/2" version with a touch more low-light capability as well? Maybe a ND wheel mounted on the front of the body, like bigger cams? I recently had my ND switch stick a bit between settings. It took me a minute to figure out what was block the image...

My two cents... still a fan, but would love to see what they've got cooking.

John Mitchell
October 23rd, 2005, 08:13 AM
Straight from the horse's mouth: JVC is going to release the next version of the GY-HD100 series in about six months' time.

Already a 101. Probably be the GY-HD200/201...

Tim Dashwood
October 23rd, 2005, 09:13 AM

I started a wishlist thread last month. All of the regional managers are taking suggestions that will get passed on to the engineers in Japan. Not necessarily for a new model, but maybe future firmware updates.

Please add your requests in the same format so it will be easy to read if a JVC engineer happens to be browsing. In fact everyone should add their specific ideas and maybe we can make it sticky.
Use the following format for lists (replace brackets with square brackets.)

(*) (b)Wishlist item 1 title(/b) Detailed description of how the function would work and why it would make the camera better.
(*) (b)Wishlist item 2 title(/b) Detailed description of how the function would work and why it would make the camera better.
(*) (b)Wishlist item 3 title(/b) Detailed description of how the function would work and why it would make the camera better.

The list will look like this:

Wishlist item 1 title Detailed description of how the function would work and why it would make the camera better.
Wishlist item 2 title Detailed description of how the function would work and why it would make the camera better.
Wishlist item 3 title Detailed description of how the function would work and why it would make the camera better.

Huiy Tang
October 23rd, 2005, 03:06 PM
I was told by a JVC rep in Canada that they would be replacing the hd100 lenses relatively soon. Within 90 days. He mentioned that the lens would be less light hungry and this would assist in minimizing the SSE issue. For those of you who already purchased look into a lens upgrade. Or return your camera and pick up a new unit in December or January.

Werner Wesp
October 23rd, 2005, 03:43 PM
I was told by a JVC rep in Canada that they would be replacing the hd100 lenses relatively soon. Within 90 days. He mentioned that the lens would be less light hungry and this would assist in minimizing the SSE issue. For those of you who already purchased look into a lens upgrade. Or return your camera and pick up a new unit in December or January.

Is this officially confirmed?

Tim Dashwood
October 23rd, 2005, 03:48 PM
Is this officially confirmed?

Of course not. Has JVC officially confirmed anything to the public since NAB05 press release?
It may be internally rumoured, or maybe there was an internal memo, but you can be sure that the information is not meant for public consumption. All we have is some hearsay. No more no less.
It wouldn't be the smartest marketing plan to tell customers that the brand new camera will be better in 6 months. Who would buy it now?

Werner Wesp
October 23rd, 2005, 04:01 PM
Yep, sorry Tim, I actually meant, did you hear that from your JVC dealer, or just something you picked up on the web? In other words, how trustworthy is that info....

Steve Mullen
October 23rd, 2005, 07:24 PM
Straight from the horse's mouth: JVC is going to release the next version of the GY-HD100 series in about six months' time. I've already made the following suggestions:

If you said 9 months I'd agree as that would put it post NAB and before IBC. It would likely be very similar, but with a 720p60 codec and public PCM audio. They could price at under $9K.

"720p and 1080i multi-format."

No need as the 1280x720 is already higher rez than Son'ys 1080i.

"Uncompressed HD out through firewire so we can all record uncompressed HD directly to disk.

Uncompressed HD can't be passed via 1394. Also Copyright issues with shooting movies.

"Change the viewfinder to black and white."

No reason to to so -- increase rez and have a switch turn off color.

"Offer a battery solution that doesn't require $1,500 3rd-party solutions."


"On-camera programmable user-preference buttons with a wider lattitude of options (gamma, etc)"

YES-- one should able to assign any setting to a button.

By then they may have the next gen CCDs that are more sensitive or a better gain function.

Matt Irwin
October 23rd, 2005, 10:58 PM
"720p and 1080i multi-format."

No need as the 1280x720 is already higher rez than Son'ys 1080i.

Did I miss something? 1920x1080 is higher res than 1280x720...right?

Stephen L. Noe
October 23rd, 2005, 11:03 PM

The reference was to 1080i (interlaced) not 1080p.

Steve Mullen
October 23rd, 2005, 11:20 PM
Did I miss something? 1920x1080 is higher res than 1280x720...right?

Sony HDV only captures 960x1080. Even HDCAM only records 1440x1080.

You've been drinking from the poison well of 1080i marketing. :)

Nate Weaver
October 24th, 2005, 12:19 AM
Did I miss something? 1920x1080 is higher res than 1280x720...right?

In my own informal tests, the JVC ends up with slightly sharper images than the Z1, but with definitely less HDV artifacts.

I came to this conclusion BEFORE I bought the JVC, not after, just FYI.

Guy Barwood
October 24th, 2005, 07:30 AM
1: Full auto button is positioned behind your head nearly at the back of the camera, making it VERY VERY difficult to switch it on while shooting on the shoulder. DV500's position is much better.

2: Try and clean the gain up a bit more (as always)

3: VMount Plate on the back as standard... (even though I now have some decent power JVC mount batteries that should provide about 3+ hours run time)

4: Option for LCD to display levels and timecode when flipped and recessed into the camera like on DV5000.

5: Option to have viewfinder and LCD on at the same time.

6: Redesign the back I/O panel to look like this
(ie Full size audio connectors not mini phono connector)

7: Realtime downconvert of HDV material to DV via 1394. Make that 1394 IEEE switch do what everyone thought it would do!

8: Two models only, one with 1394 out only (for your Euro market) and one 1394 In and out, everything else the same (ie no PAL NTSC models, just make them all PAL and NTSC via menu options)

9: 4pin XLR 12v DC power connector.

10: Internal focus lens.

11: User Firmware upgradeable (keep calibration data in separate flash area to survive user firmware upgrades). We are happily flashing firmware on all our stuff now, get over it, its normal part of life now, it shouldn't be a factory service option only. Enhance the product firmware updates without forcing users back into service centres.

Now to dream:

A: 1/2" not 1/3", drop 1/3" here and now...

Also, most of what has already been said.

Tim Dashwood
October 24th, 2005, 08:13 AM

Can you please copy and paste your list into the sticky "HD100 Upgrade Wishlist" thread at the top of the forum?

I really like your panel layout. You should find a way to squeeze a BNC HD-SDI in there! Actually, you should make all the component connectors BNC too.

Werner Wesp
October 24th, 2005, 08:35 AM
1: Full auto button is positioned behind your head nearly at the back of the camera, making it VERY VERY difficult to switch it on while shooting on the shoulder. DV500's position is much better.

I'm just happy they placed it there, making it impossible to turn on by accident and I believe many others are with me. Moreover, I think that's the reason why they've put it there...

Guy Barwood
October 24th, 2005, 08:39 AM
Done. Do you think that HD-SDI option would go in the "Dream" section though? Could JVC actually take this camera to what it really deserves to be?

On a more serious question, other than the electronics cost, I wonder how much it would increase the cost of the camera in royalty payments to Sony for HD-SDI support (I assume Sony would score royalty payments for such a feature).

Werner: Maybe they could compromise. Why not make it an option to assign to a custom button? or locate it away from other popular controls, but don't put it in a position where you have to be a contortionist to be able to access it without taking the camera off your shoulder for those that do want to use it.

Joe Carney
October 24th, 2005, 09:41 AM
Well crud, and I was already set to buy one. I don't want to purchase and then 6 months later have an outdated model. geeez.

Jiri Bakala
October 24th, 2005, 10:18 AM
Except, of course, all this is a speculation...

Joe Carney
October 24th, 2005, 01:16 PM
I should have said, just kidding. But I don't want to feel like a DVX100 user either, hehehe

Steve Mullen
October 25th, 2005, 01:00 AM
Done. Do you think that HD-SDI option would go in the "Dream" section though?

JVC showed the HD100 with a built-in HD-SDI port at NAB. So you can dream. :)

Guy Barwood
October 25th, 2005, 06:26 AM
true, but that model didn't have a tape transport did it? Like a dedicated studio model.

Wasn't the rumor that version would be out at the end of this year?

Chris Hurd
October 26th, 2005, 07:27 PM
I really feel like this thread would be better off in the Area 51 forum.

Tim Dashwood
October 26th, 2005, 10:32 PM
I really feel like this thread would be better off in the Area 51 forum.

Either that, or maybe an addendum to the title "SPECULATION ONLY."

Steve Mullen
October 26th, 2005, 11:51 PM
What's amzing is that you could -- at some point --say a new version is coming in 6 months. :)

What does lend some credibility to this speculation is I have the "feeling" from the JVC folks that the HD100 has the built-in ability to be enhanced as soon as a 60Hz encoder is ready. One will certainly be done by the time the 7000 appears -- after NAB 2006? Spring 2006.

Clearly PCM audio is either there or ready to be turned-on.

And, yes I do expect another generation of CCDs by spring 2006.

Also, they are not about to let either Panasonic nor Canon get into the 24p/24fps business.

So 6 months seems about right. However, we all know that NAB announcments often aren't followed by product for 6 to 9 months. So I certainly wouldn't count on one in 6-months.

And, Guy you are right -- they had mounted the HD-SDI port where the transport was. But, that looked like a protype.

With Canon offering HD-SDI I'm sure JVC can find a place to mount a BNC jack.

Barry Green
October 27th, 2005, 02:02 PM
Bob Mueller, Chief Operating Officer for JVC, has stated definitively about this rumor. He says:

"Though the ProHD product line will steadily grow, the GY-HD100U is a mature product with no successor currently envisioned. "

Chris Hurd
October 27th, 2005, 02:15 PM
Thanks, Barry... I'm either moving this thread to Area 51 or renaming the title. Appreciated,

Steve Mullen
October 27th, 2005, 03:39 PM
I just get the same message from Robert. So, hopefully this will spike two isues at once:

1) banging on JVC is not going to elimate SSE -- only using it in an appropriate manner wll.

2) simply waiting a few months will not yield something dramatically new.

We can all speculate -- in Area 51-- why this might be the case. But Moore's law says about 18 months between radical improvements in semiconductors. I'm happy to live with this -- noting that none of us knows from when the 18 months starts. :)

Which is why Area 51 seems a good location. By the way, I'm less than an hours drive from Area 51.