View Full Version : Smokin Seiki 39 4k

Bruce Dempsey
June 10th, 2016, 02:28 AM
2 yrs ago almost to the day I got a Seiki 39" 4k screen at a bargain basement price as did a few others on this forum as I recall.
Yesterday it near caught fire whilst set up at a school concert.
It had been hard to start for the past month, requiring unplugging the AC and replugging in before the blue light came on. I used it at events to playback the event immediately after the show's ending and the 4k video never failed to increase sales.
Heavy blue smoke accompanied by an awful smell just started pouring chimney style out of the top cooling vents and I was right there to unplug it which I did but the stink lingered for quite a while.
Thought I might mention this so anyone else with one maybe not leave it turned on unattended. Might just be the one I got which I have been dragging around in the back of the van for the past year causing something to come loose in there and start burning.