View Full Version : Viewfinder

Randy Johnson
May 29th, 2016, 07:47 PM
Does someone (3rd Party) make a better viewfinder/Dioper option for the EA 50? I where "Progressiv" Glasses and I cant seem to get a infocus image with my glasses BUT My AG_-HMC 50's viewfinder is fine.

Steve Bobilin
May 30th, 2016, 03:32 AM
There was a whole thread about this a spell back
Search for "Anyone shortened the loupe yet?"
I bought cheap diopter lenses that fit right in the viewfinder. I shortened it as well. But I don't really use the loupe nowadays, since i got an external monitor with peaking.

The lenses worked well though. I think I got a set of three different magnifications.