View Full Version : Contact - The Humpback Whales of Tonga

Nick Hope
May 18th, 2016, 05:11 AM
My 2016 video of humpback whales, using 2008 footage.

I tried to convey some of the sense of awe I felt swimming with these magnificent animals. After colour-wrangling, I deinterlaced my 30i HDV footage to 60p, slowed most of it down 50% (to 30p), and sharpened it a little. There is still life in the old formats if the content is interesting.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is welcome.

Contact - The Humpback Whales of Tonga

Tim Lewis
May 18th, 2016, 03:44 PM
Nice work Nick. I think the slowing down of the footage really helped convey the grandeur of the encounter.

Nick Hope
May 18th, 2016, 06:50 PM
Thanks Tim. Using slomo for that reason never comes naturally to me when I'm editing. I've hardly ever done it. So I'm glad it worked.

Vishal Jadhav
May 27th, 2016, 03:16 AM
Wonderful footage
The slowmotion works nicely.
First shot of the diver and the Whales is amazing as it gives a sense of scale of the creatures in the film.

Nicely done

Nick Hope
May 27th, 2016, 04:02 AM
Thanks Vishal. Glad my intent worked. It often doesn't!