View Full Version : How to tell if port 1935 (for streaming) is open

Andrew Smith
May 17th, 2016, 08:08 PM
At a venue you don't control, it can be hard to tell beforehand if you are going to be able to connect to a streaming server, and if you can't ... why it is that you can't.

One possible issue is that all 'unnecessary' ports have been closed off as good security practice. How can you tell if this is the cause of your difficulties?

This web site: FMS Port Tester (

This can be accessed via your browser and will tell you if port 1935 is open on the internet connection or not.


PS. Tip of the hat to Peter at Matrox Monarch tech support.

Andrew Smith
May 17th, 2016, 08:12 PM
Actually, I'm getting some flaky results at the above linked web site. I've streamed out from this connection yet it is showing time-outs on all the ports.

This is another site:

If you click on the Streaming Ports "test ports" button you will get what looks to me to be more accurate results.


Simon Denny
May 18th, 2016, 01:15 PM
Thanks for all the info Andrew, there really needs to be a dedicated forum where all this info can be resourced from.

Steven Digges
May 18th, 2016, 01:36 PM

I am following all your threads on this. Your Matrox Monarch mac address needs to be what we call "white listed". The IT contact you finally got to should be able to white list it. That is the process of registering your mac address to tell the system you are a registered device with all permissions.

Kind Regards,
