View Full Version : HDMI Latency

Scott Berrington
May 6th, 2016, 01:34 PM
Has anyone noticed any latency when viewing on an external monitor over HDMI? There seems to a very noticeable delay on my Aputure 7" monitor, but I'm not sure if it is the camera or the monitor.

Stephen Brenner
May 6th, 2016, 03:44 PM
I'll be receiving an Apurture 7" monitor in a day or so and can test it on a couple of cameras.

Steve Rosen
May 6th, 2016, 04:33 PM
I'm not seeing it - but, I'm sure there is some, but I've been using an EVF (not a monitor) consistently through my last five cameras so I think I've just gotten used to it... (AF100, HVX250, C100, 2 Pockets)

This is a long way of saying that if there is lag with the LS300, it's not worse that any other camera I've used.

Scott Berrington
May 7th, 2016, 05:45 AM
So it looks like a 5 frame delay as seen in the picture. Now how much is the camera and how is the monitor?

Ron Evans
May 7th, 2016, 06:00 AM
I expect it is all the camera. The camera has to encode and format for HDMI that takes time and processing power.

Ron Evans

Steve Rosen
May 7th, 2016, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I'd guess 4-5 frames is pretty normal. and yes, it is the camera.

In critical fast moving follow focus situations or effects timing (like squibs), it could be an issue - or if you're a two eye shooter (one eye on the monitor/EVF, the other on the scene) you could get sea sick - but otherwise not - at least for me. I shoot handheld, often very fast moving, verite style and, as I said above, have gotten so used to the lag I barely remember it's there.

William Hohauser
May 7th, 2016, 08:40 PM
HDMI always has latency, it depends on the equipment and how the equipment is used. First in the camera, it depends on how the output of the imaging pickups are processed in the hardware. The fastest you could expect the output is one frame behind. The viewfinder one the camera might be one frame behind. Then the receiving device has to process the input so you can expect another frame at best. So that's already two frames, some equipment can add another frame or two. And if you add another HDMI device in the chain, an external recorder for example or a HDMI splitter, you can expect more frames delayed. SDI however in most circumstances can almost be instantaneous.

Stephen Brenner
May 8th, 2016, 09:05 AM
I tried it out with the Blackmagic pocket camera and if there is latency, it is barely noticeable.

Steve Rosen
May 8th, 2016, 10:48 AM
Yeah, I tried the HDMI with the Z-Finder and the SDI with the Gratical (my usual setup) and I can see a difference - but, again, I don't find the HDMI that distracting (people don't look out of sync for instance).