View Full Version : Losing information if converting Slog3 to other formats ?

Mihai Nicolau
April 20th, 2016, 08:59 AM

I would like to know if dynamic range or colors get shifted/modified in a bad way if I convert my footage from the original XAVC files of the FS7 to an intermediate high quality codec.

The reason I want to do this is that I'm doing cc work in Speedgrade and unfortunately if only accepts .mov not mfxs, I'm using it as a standalone application and not through Direct Link through Premiere because it is much more stable and fast.

I'll transcode my footage to either Cineform or Dnxhd. I suppose 10-bit option is a must but other than that is there any problem with doing this ?

I did some tests and the footage looks 99% identically inside a Premiere timeline, comparing original footage with the 2 above mentioned codecs, without any LUT applied.

It would probably look the same if I convert it to a simple h264 format, that's why I am asking. Even I do don't see it with my eyes does the color science inside the file gets screwed up somehow when converting ?

Personally I'm pretty sure nothing can get corrupted since sLog is just a mathematical formula that gets put in the file, but I'm not convinced about the color gamut part !
