View Full Version : Lens cap PITA

Dan Burnap
April 18th, 2016, 05:20 AM
Working with my team of four, swapping lenses between us inevitably results in lens caps being lost, mislaid etc and there is always a hunt on at the end of a shoot making sure each lens is packed away with it's lens cap.

I've seen a couple of examples of 2-in-1 lens caps \ hoods on Ebay which, albeit bulky and expensive, do seem to be what I'm looking for to reduce this headache.

The examples I've seen are lens specifc and there doesnt seem to be one for the Canon 50mm 1.4 which is lens used a lot within my team.

Does anyone know of a lens \ cap \ hood solution for this particular lens? Thanks

Danny O'Neill
April 18th, 2016, 09:22 AM
Just remove them all at the start of your shoot and leave them in the bag.

I havent kept a cap on during a shoot for 8 years. Dust isnt as much of a problem as you may think.