Jon Fairhurst
March 23rd, 2016, 12:05 PM
ATSC is working on the next generation broadcasting system, ATSC 3.0, which is set to include UHD resolution, high dynamic range, and high frame rate support.
You can see the video candidate standard here: A/341, ATSC Candidate Standard: Video - ATSC (
(BTW, if you see any issues, let me know. I'm vice-chair and document editor.)
Anyway, I (and my employer) am looking to demonstrate some high-frame rate technologies, but its been challenging to find really good high speed video for evaluation and demonstration. If anybody would like to contribute some content, let me know.
Ideally, the video would be:
* Made available to show and demo with a simple license.
* At a multiple of 120 fps.
* Shot with 360 degree shutter
* Be somehow representative of sports. For instance, show fast moving people or stuff they swung, hit, or threw.
* Have very fast motion over a clean background - I'd like to show strobing artifacts when frames are dropped.
I only need clips of 5 seconds or less.
Thanks in advance for any contributions! I'm happy to show a "video shot by..." card during the demo, if requested.
You can see the video candidate standard here: A/341, ATSC Candidate Standard: Video - ATSC (
(BTW, if you see any issues, let me know. I'm vice-chair and document editor.)
Anyway, I (and my employer) am looking to demonstrate some high-frame rate technologies, but its been challenging to find really good high speed video for evaluation and demonstration. If anybody would like to contribute some content, let me know.
Ideally, the video would be:
* Made available to show and demo with a simple license.
* At a multiple of 120 fps.
* Shot with 360 degree shutter
* Be somehow representative of sports. For instance, show fast moving people or stuff they swung, hit, or threw.
* Have very fast motion over a clean background - I'd like to show strobing artifacts when frames are dropped.
I only need clips of 5 seconds or less.
Thanks in advance for any contributions! I'm happy to show a "video shot by..." card during the demo, if requested.