View Full Version : A good, but short, read on digital's impact on Hollywood

Glenn Gipson
October 21st, 2005, 01:29 PM
The interesting part (for me) is more toward the end of the article.

Barry Rivadue
October 22nd, 2005, 09:28 PM
In a weird way this almost reminds me of the pre-Hollywood era when small independent types with a camera, a prayer and alot of "moxie" carved out their own unique two-reeler niches before the industry industry. The digitilization of the industry is certainly making technically-high quality, modestly budgeted productions a reality now.

Peter Ferling
October 22nd, 2005, 09:59 PM
Maybe this time truely creative and passionate movies will emerge (you know, real plots and real story lines), no-longer subject to an aging panel of corporate "experts" who think we know what entertainment should be. The dismal loses in both the theatre ticket sales and blockbuster rentals is evidence that a change is needed.

Someday, maybe soon, we'll be able to browse and download independant films, no different than we do today with MP3's from little known musicians who sound 10-times better than the cra* that's on the store shelves.