View Full Version : DVX200 Crushed Blacks?

Larry Chapman
February 19th, 2016, 01:48 PM
I just got my camera and have been A/B testing it next to my old Canon XH-A1.

Question.... I'm doing some low light testing inside and I'm finding that the DVX200 is crushing the blacks a lot compared to the XH-A1. I'm doing the test with the DVX200 in 1080p/29.97/1/60th with High Sens turned on, no gain. I've shot with Barry Green's scene file #6 and #3. #3 is better in this regard. F/W 1.40.


Joachim Claus
February 20th, 2016, 06:30 AM
In my opinion, most of Barry Green's scene files have set "Master Ped" to -9 or even -12. This leads to black, which all start at color value 0, with blacks crushing. I use Barry's scene file 6, however, I have set "Master Ped" to -4.

You may find yourself the best value for your specific case.


Greg Smith
February 20th, 2016, 10:35 AM
I was surprised when I saw the very low master pedestal settings in most of Barry Green's scene files. Remember, these were designed to emulate the GH4 as accurately as possible, not necessarily to produce an image that is seasoned exactly to your taste. Feel free to increase the master pedestal and/or black gamma values to get the black levels you would prefer.

- Greg

Larry Chapman
February 20th, 2016, 03:46 PM
Great advice guys! Thanks! I changed Barry's SCENE6 by increasing Pedestal to -4 and Black Gamma to 0. Just shot some low light indoor and bright sun outdoor.....BEAUTIFUL!

Larry Chapman
February 21st, 2016, 07:29 PM
Shot this with the camera today. Very pleased.
Sprague and Bierstadt Lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park. - YouTube

Torsten Dettlaff
February 25th, 2016, 10:25 AM
Hi Larry,

I was going to comment on the YouTube video but I thought I'd ask here first.

Do you have any raw footage samples you could share. I'm looking for a 4K upgrade to my XF100 and am really torn between the Sony PXW-Z100 (10bit 4:2:2 is appealing as the XF100 currently gives me 4:2:2) and the DVX-200.



Larry Chapman
February 25th, 2016, 10:29 AM
I've posted various "experiments" here:

The raw footage is too large to really put somewhere easily.

Torsten Dettlaff
February 25th, 2016, 01:27 PM
Thanks for that. I guess the file size is a restriction :(

How are you finding the camera in general? Is the larger sensor good to work with?

Larry Chapman
February 25th, 2016, 01:36 PM
I am very pleased with the camera. Just enough bokeh, just enough low light capability. Ability to shoot 60p negates most rolling shutter issues. A great replacement for my Canon XH-A1. I will be using my GH2 much less now.

David Heath
February 25th, 2016, 06:08 PM
Question.... I'm doing some low light testing inside and I'm finding that the DVX200 is crushing the blacks a lot compared to the XH-A1. I'm doing the test ........ with High Sens turned on, no gain.
Have you read this thread - ?

It appears that "High Sens" increases the gain, whilst affecting the gamma in the dark areas - so effectively giving something of a black crushing effect. The latter will then mask some of the noise in the blacks, which may be seen as more pleasing - though it will mean less control in post manipulation.