View Full Version : FS5 PP Profile

Docea Marius
February 15th, 2016, 10:33 PM
Sony FS5 Scene Files | CineTechnica (

Marcus Durham
February 16th, 2016, 11:57 AM
Thanks for this. Have programmed 3 of these into the FS5. Namely JR45Video for standard ITU colour, JR45Cine for my general use and the ABHILIGHT setup as it looked interesting for high contrast setups.

Docea Marius
February 16th, 2016, 01:20 PM
with pleasure..Marcus

Thanks for this. Have programmed 3 of these into the FS5. Namely JR45Video for standard ITU colour, JR45Cine for my general use and the ABHILIGHT setup as it looked interesting for high contrast setups.

Dave Mercer
February 16th, 2016, 05:23 PM
I'm trying out JR45CINE but not sure how I feel about it yet.

I had a great profile based on wide DR for my C100 which I really enjoyed both indoors and out (with decent light). Only required some tweaks to levels and saturation to get good look.

Doug Jensen
February 16th, 2016, 09:52 PM
I won't have access to my FS5 for a few weeks to experiment with those profiles so I don't want to say anything about them one way or the other, but I am very skeptical that the recommended Color Revision settings will provide consistent results over a wide range of shooting situations and different white balances. That's not really how those menus are intended to be used. The target 1 and target 2 colors won't always require the changes that are being made to them. Sure those exact settings they provide may have looked correct on the group of three people standing there against the wall, and maybe some other isolated cases as well, but I am wary those kinds of changes will work the majority of the time. Be careful or you may get some unexpected results.

Also, some settings that they suggest are mostly necessary to cancel out other settings they have made elsewhere. A lot of it makes no sense and seems almost random to me. But like I said, I'm just judging by the settings and have not actually tested the files in the real world.

A few years ago Sony sent me to Japan to consult with their engineers on the EX1 and EX3 projects. I took a spreadsheet with me that had the settings of about a dozen picture profiles that were being widely talked about online at the time. When they looked at some of the combos they actually laughed and explained how many of the settings were working against each other. I learned a lot on that trip and I see some of the same things going on here. One key point I learned was that if you see extreme settings (such as +12 or even +7) it is a red flag that something else might be out of whack in the settings or the wrong settings are being chosen for providing the desired look.

Every Sony camera can benefit from some changes to paint menu settings and I highly recommend it, but let's be honest, the cameras are not that terrible to start with so extreme changes shouldn't be necessary.

Docea Marius
February 16th, 2016, 10:31 PM
yet no one has the courage to post some color profiles...ok, they probably are not perfect.but it's something concrete and deserve respect for their work.

THANKS... Juliet McNally...if someone has the opportunity to create..some color profiles, post them here..please :-) frankly I'm not happy with any color profile that Sony put on FS5.I do not have time color grading, and Sony did not develop public a set of LUT to help me to work with range S-LOG.
I'm no expert in color grading.and I found no tutorial from Sony to help me learn.
Thanks Alister Chapman,with his help I understand something..for free :-))

Olof Ekbergh
February 17th, 2016, 07:34 AM
yet no one has the courage to post some color profiles...ok, they probably are not perfect.but it's something concrete and deserve respect for their work.

THANKS... Juliet McNally...if someone has the opportunity to create..some color profiles, post them here..please :-) frankly I'm not happy with any color profile that Sony put on FS5.I do not have time color grading, and Sony did not develop public a set of LUT to help me to work with range S-LOG.
I'm no expert in color grading.and I found no tutorial from Sony to help me learn.
Thanks Alister Chapman,with his help I understand something..for free :-))

I posted a PP here a while ago:

PPs are very personal. And easy to do. But it takes time and patience as well as a good Pro SDI eval monitor and scopes help as well.

Doug goes through how to set up a PP and what the different settings do as well as supplying a very nice PP in his FS5 video Course. I highly recommend you buy this course if you feel you need help setting up and using your FS5.
Doug Jensen's Sony PXW-FS5 Master Class (

In my opinion there is no one PP that does it all in any camera. Different projects need different PPs. I spent about 20 hrs coming up with the ones I use. And I tweak them as I go along and shoot more projects.

Dave Mercer
February 17th, 2016, 10:27 AM
Thanks Olof and Doug.

Olof - I've tried out your profile and like it a lot. Thank you for sharing.

Doug - will watch your course this weekend. Appreciate all the advice you've given on the boards.

Docea Marius
February 27th, 2016, 12:07 AM
Nice pp fs5

Sony FS5 Picture Profile Settings | Erwin van Dijck Videoproducties (

Andy Wilkinson
April 1st, 2016, 10:20 AM
I see we have at least two threads on FS5 picture profiles.

I posted some thoughts in this thread today.

Maybe a Mod could combine the threads into one?

Christopher Young
April 1st, 2016, 09:59 PM
I won't have access to my FS5 for a few weeks to experiment with those profiles so I don't want to say anything about them one way or the other, but I am very skeptical that the recommended Color Revision settings will provide consistent results over a wide range of shooting situations and different white balances. That's not really how those menus are intended to be used. The target 1 and target 2 colors won't always require the changes that are being made to them. Sure those exact settings they provide may have looked correct on the group of three people standing there against the wall, and maybe some other isolated cases as well, but I am wary those kinds of changes will work the majority of the time. Be careful or you may get some unexpected results.

100% concur with Doug's comments. if you a you do a white balance under different lighting or use Auto White you are heading for problems in some situations. The FS5 manual even warns users about the issues involved here, page 87. Anyone who has played around with the X70 will know the scenario well as the FS5 Color Correction instructions appear to be lifted straight out of the X70 settings.

The only place I find the CC Revision setup useful is if you are under a controlled set of lighting circumstances where you have white balanced but find a particular color in the scene is off hue. Then sure these Revision menus are good as you can select that color and adjust its phase to try to correct it. You can then store the settings so that if you have to shoot under those exact lighting circumstances again its just a matter of turning ON the color correction menu. Otherwise turn it OFF for general shooting under various lighting as both the X70 and the FS5 can give you funky results when you are least expecting it.

In fact everything about the FS5 in the menus bar the S-LOG options are virtually a mirror of an X70. In fact I'm finding the FS5 to be a S35 version of the X70 in many respects other than the differences in its sensor size which gives it more sensitivity and the fact that it has the option of using a center crop function. I'm looking at the FS5 in some ways as a S35 version of the X70 with interchangeable lenses with very similar menu setup and setting capabilities. Ill probably be howled down for the comparison but the two cameras are surprisingly close in those setup capabilities.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Doug Jensen
April 2nd, 2016, 05:14 AM
And I concur with you.

I'm not familiar with the X70, but it does not surprise me that the FS5 is a "senior" version of that camera because it certainly has nothing in common with the FS7. A lot of people, Sony included, try to position the FS5 as a junior version of the FS7, but that is absurd. The cameras have nothing at all in common. So it's interesting to hear that the FS5 is really a descendant of the X70. That explains a lot.

Christopher Young
April 2nd, 2016, 06:01 PM
Agreed the FS7 is technically in a different league... a beast of a totally different color apart from the sensor.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Docea Marius
April 2nd, 2016, 10:52 PM
very good look this color profile,nice color..I tried everything FS5,just ITU 709 is ok for my

I see we have at least two threads on FS5 picture profiles.

I posted some thoughts in this thread today.

Maybe a Mod could combine the threads into one?