View Full Version : SD to HD using only FCPX?

Paul Anderegg
February 6th, 2016, 10:57 PM
I recently discovered that exporting 480i footage to HD looks 10x better on a 60p timeline, than a 30p one. All the flickering jagged lines seem to melt away, and you can apply a standard sharpening effect without it looking horrible. This is an improvement, but begs the question, if exporting 720p60, is deinterlacing even necessary? Would running an SD export through Compressor give better results to a 720p60 final product?


William Hohauser
February 7th, 2016, 07:44 PM
In my experience FCPX does an excellent job deinterlacing on it's own, that using 60p works better than 30p is interesting and not unexpected as 480i can be interpreted as 240p60. 30p would have to combine the two fields into one frame and with the time difference between field 1 and field 2 there are bound to be issues that arise. 60p is converting each field into a single frame. I frequently use 60p when I have projects that have multiple frame rates combined and I am finishing to BluRay or streaming file. Never have an issue with 24f or 25f motion artifacts.

Paul Anderegg
February 9th, 2016, 01:44 AM
Oh cool, did not realize FCPX did automatic deinterlacing, I was looking for that filter or plug-in. Last time I tried SD to 720p60 on FCPX was back in 2012, and the results were horrible.......guess they improved things a bit.
