View Full Version : Picture Profiles for FS5.
Marcus Durham January 29th, 2016, 05:36 PM Had the FS5 out for the first time today, Ended up shooting on Cine 1.
In days of yore when my EX1 was new, the equivalent forum on here had a whole section dedicated to picture profiles and which ones to use. Is there any equivalent on here.
I have a very nice picture profile for my EX1 but genuinely no idea what is best for the FS5. On the EX1 I have a profile that gives nice footage direct from the camera but still has some scope for grading.
What profiles and tweaks are you guys using if you don't mind me asking?
Olof Ekbergh January 29th, 2016, 06:50 PM I posted one here a while ago:
Marcus Durham January 29th, 2016, 06:58 PM Thanks. I saw your video shot in your office just now in fact while searching!
Alfred Okocha January 30th, 2016, 04:07 AM I'd be interested in one too. My needs are ENG with little time to color correct afterwards. I have been playing around with Gamma 1 and 4 but have yet to find something that looks as appealing out of the camera as my Canon 6D does...
(Which is a bit disappointing but... I know it can be done, just not how... yet...)
Black at -5 and Sat at +5 hasn't done it for me. (Although in theory that would go some of the way, I guess?)
Docea Marius February 1st, 2016, 02:28 PM is possible to have pp like Canon WDR on FS5 ??
Ray Lee February 2nd, 2016, 03:11 PM I'd be interested in one too. My needs are ENG with little time to color correct afterwards. I have been playing around with Gamma 1 and 4 but have yet to find something that looks as appealing out of the camera as my Canon 6D does...
(Which is a bit disappointing but... I know it can be done, just not how... yet...)
Black at -5 and Sat at +5 hasn't done it for me. (Although in theory that would go some of the way, I guess?)
I have no idea why Sony names things the way they do, but under the PP setting look into color mode options, I am liking PRO (with added saturation) and STILL..... actually prefer still for most things but who would ever use it with PRO as an option :)
Docea Marius February 3rd, 2016, 02:54 AM I test in very low light,i set PP stil pp + s-log3 cine 3200..:-) +10 blak +5 color, i test this in extreme iso 20000,and on my monitor looks pretty good in HD.I tried several combinations,but over ISO 6400 are very is true that some details are lost, but I have a pretty good picture in HI ISO 20000 ,this without color grading.If someone has experienced a more scientific and can share experience,please... post
Chad Johnson February 5th, 2016, 07:57 PM You're not supposed to use sLog in low light. Use rec709. That puts more color information in the dynamic range that is actually used in low light.
Docea Marius February 6th, 2016, 09:02 AM REC709 is too noisee at 20000 iso :-)
Ray Lee February 6th, 2016, 02:06 PM I test in very low light,i set PP stil pp + s-log3 cine 3200..:-) +10 blak +5 color, i test this in extreme iso 20000,and on my monitor looks pretty good in HD.I tried several combinations,but over ISO 6400 are very is true that some details are lost, but I have a pretty good picture in HI ISO 20000 ,this without color grading.If someone has experienced a more scientific and can share experience,please... post
Maybe joking but SLOG3 with lifted blacks and more saturation seems like a really bad idea... have you tried CINE4 and trying the different color modes like PRO, STILL and Standard?
Andy Wilkinson April 1st, 2016, 10:07 AM I've been doing some more testing with my FS5 and picture profile settings - been testing a few different set-ups over the last few months. I quite like Olof's setting (thank you Olof for the effort and sharing) but realised I really needed to learn a lot more about what all the settings do and which ones are important/what influence they have on other paramters etc.
So I pushed the button today and bought Doug Jensen's Vortex Media training series for the FS5 (actually it's rented for £59.67 - and for that you get 6 months Vimeo access).
I've already spent most of the day watching the first dozen or so episodes back to back! I have to say it's a superbly well put together training series. I've had my FS5 since last November and own/have owned numerous other Sony pro cams but I've already learnt a few things (and some great operational tips) that I'd overlooked or a few nuances and quirks that had escaped me with the FS5.
Obviously, I've yet to try out the recommended FS5 picture profile settings that Doug has derived and presents in one of the chapters in the series - but I have every confidence that they will be a great start point for what I'm looking for.
BTW, just to be clear, out of courtesy to Doug and all the hard work and time he's put into this, I won't ever divulge his suggested 'Vortex-FS5-Pro' picture profile settings and I'm sure he'd appreciate it if others respect that sentiment.
Bottom line, IMO it's the best way to spend £60 quid (and the time spent watching it) that you'll spend if you own a FS5.
Highly recommended.
Nigel Davey April 1st, 2016, 10:49 AM I read the FS5 manual from start to finish over a couple of weeks, playing about with the camera as I went along. At the end I thought I had most of it covered, but decided to get Doug's Master Class just in case I missed something. Glad I did since I learnt quite a few things the manual didn't cover, particularly some gotchas. It also confirmed some of my own thoughts over settings.
So likewise I recommend Doug's course.
Doug Jensen April 2nd, 2016, 05:15 AM Thanks Nigel and Andy for the nice comments. I really appreciate it. I really do.
Andy Wilkinson April 2nd, 2016, 10:40 AM You're welcome Doug!
Quick (HD) timeline frame export from some testing I was doing today with something very close to your picture profile.
Doug Jensen April 2nd, 2016, 12:03 PM Looks nice. Good color, rich blacks, and no blown highlights. That's what I like to turn over to clients as a WYSIWYG look. If they want to use it as it is, fine, but there is still room to fine-tune if they want to.
Andy Wilkinson May 1st, 2016, 09:04 AM I've been out testing a few things - some details below - but here are some example test shots with Doug's Vortex FS5 Pro picture profile settings.
I was so pleased with the firmware update to the Sony kit lens that about 10 days ago I used a spare few hours to shoot some more FS5 test shots in some beautiful locations about an hours drive from where I live. Shot in 4K on a glorious spring day (mid-week to avoid the crowds) in some of my often visited North Norfolk locations: Wells-next-the-Sea, Blakeney, Cley-next-the-Sea, Burnham Overy Staithe and finally Burnham Mill.
Shot to test a variety of things, but primarily: 4K end-to-end workflow, Doug's Vortex FS5 Pro picture profile, using zebras set at 95% (I got very slightly too hot a couple of times), Sony 18-105mm G lens (with image stabilisation on throughout and, of course, its latest V0.3 firmware) and effectiveness of using only a monopod - only one shot was hand-held. Next time I'll lug my lovely but much heavier Vinten 3AS around - would have enabled some nice pan shots too! More technical details are on the end screen of the 4K YouTube film that's embedded below. The film is also on Vimeo for those that prefer it that way.
As an observation, even with my very fast 'BT Infinity' fibre to cabinet internet connection (typical 80Mbps max, but much lower in peak times), I still often get buffering when playing 4K video, which is why I doubt I'll be delivering 4K to my clients regularly anytime soon! Shooting in 4K and delivering in HD (with the advantages of cropping in/re-framing when needed) is likely to remain my main route/how I've been using the FS5 in my corporate film work so far. Of equal importance, it's also a lot faster editing that way than on a 4K time line, even on my high spec new Mac Pro based system (again, more technical details at the end of the film above).
Docea Marius May 1st, 2016, 09:30 AM nice color :-)
Mark Morreau May 1st, 2016, 04:26 PM Very nice, Andy! Just watched that in 4K on my 4K monitor. Looks lush. And crisp. And beautifully exposed. And now I want one! And Doug's training DVD, of course ;-)
(slightly curious to know why you're still on CC2014 rather than CC2105..)
Andy Wilkinson May 2nd, 2016, 01:21 AM Thanks both. I think it shows that it is well worth spending the cash on Doug's training video series just for the picture profile, let alone the excellent in-depth tips you'll also get...and then buy a FS5 to accompany the videos of course!
BTW, to the person that messaged me wanting to buy the picture profile 'directly from me'...who I won't name but you know who you are...just contact Doug and buy his Vortex FS5 training video package.
Still on Mavericks & CC2014 as, apart from a few bugs, "it just works"...most of the time...I am a bit old school/not the type Adobe's business model was aimed at. I also have a retina MBP on Mavericks etc. Once I have a system working how I want, I then simply "lock it down". My old Mac Pro is still running Mountain Lion and CS6 (and is rock solid, reliable and still plenty fast enough for some heavy work). It is just that it won't natively handle the Sony XAVC codecs I am now using from 2 of my most recent cams.
That said, I keep a disk image (or more often 2) of each computer and at some point in the next few months I might try latest Apple OSX and AdobeCC iteration on the 'Trashcan' to test if some of the instabilities and bugs I keep reading about on the Adobe forum have been fixed...I am just always busy with various projects at different stages to feel like going through the time consuming process of doing that.
Anyway, let's keep this thread on track. I don't have a 4K screen (my monitors are 27 inch Dell Ultrasharps of greater than HD resolution - but sub 4K) so I am pleased it looked good and sharp Mark. I shot a lot of it at a relatively high F stop to get huge DOF, partly to test the sharpness of the lens, but was slightly worried about outputting something I am unable to view natively regarding resolution.
Kevin Langdon May 2nd, 2016, 07:58 AM Is it me or is the You Tube footage more compressed and, therefore, not as sharp as the Vimeo one?
I've had problems in the past where footage looks so much better on my MacBook Pro than on You Tube.
Andy Wilkinson May 2nd, 2016, 09:01 AM Hi Kevin,
Interesting question and I'd love to know which looks better on a true 4K display, the YouTube one or the Vimeo one (I uploaded the exact same MP4 file to both, encoded at a mere 50Mbps dual pass - I did wonder about using 100Mbps). I can't judge as easily as some of you since the max display resolution I can get is either on my retina MBP or on these Dell Ultrasharp U2713H monitors, all of which are 2560x1440p (I think, from memory).
So here's a test for the pixel peepers that have 4K displays.
At about 4m 21s into the film there is a telephoto shot through the gap at the side of Burnham Mill towards a church in the far distance (St. Clement's in Burnham Overy Town). On my edit system I can (with a bit of care) read the rectangular stone set into the mill wall on the right hand side of the shot. It marks a well known and devastating flood level with the words "Flood 31 Jan 1953" engraved on it. Frame grab attached - which I think will remain 3840x2160 pixels once uploaded (but you may have to download the picture to view in true size).
So is it sharper/easier to read on the 4K YouTube or 4K Vimeo versions?
As an aside, I think the shot was done with the max range of Clear Image Zoom on the camera (1.5x in 4K mode) from the same (or very nearby...) position as the long duration, wide shot that follows (with the very few cars and motorbike - you should see that road in mid-summer as it's a constant bumper to bumper traffic procession! I'm impressed just how usable that shot was anyway, especially with me just using a monopod! I like the heat haze in that shot too - reminds me of what a lovely warm spring day it was!
Andy Wilkinson May 2nd, 2016, 09:23 AM Oh and to make it more convenient to compare, here's the Vimeo version:
North Norfolk in Spring - Sony FS5 Test (4K Version) on Vimeo
Dave Patterson May 2nd, 2016, 10:13 PM Andy - I enjoy the image quality you are getting, which has convinced me to invest in Doug's training series. I only wish the rental duration was longer than 6 months, as it might be a good resource to return to.
Andy Wilkinson May 4th, 2016, 01:43 AM That was my initial concern too. So what I did was make some bullet point notes of important things that were new to me (or useful tips/shortcuts) as I watched the series. I now have a crib sheet with 41 things on it that I keep in my kit bag with my FS5 (should I ever need to refer to it again). It's hand written at the moment but the plan is to type it up at some point.
I also screen shot one or two key tables and (before the 6 months is up) I may record a few chapters (or sections of) onto my Ninja Blade via the HDMI out of my rMBP, just so I can create a few MP4s for a personal archive should I ever feel the need to go back and watch them again.
In truth, I've not (so far!) needed to re-visit any of the chapters. Those that have used Doug's training videos before will know that he has a good, clear and informative style - then it's just applying it - so what I did soon after was to just "get out there and shoot with what I'd learnt". Do this as soon as possible to cement the key points in your head. The above film is one example of the result - the other stuff that I've shot recently I can't share but I'm equally pleased with how it's all looking. Vortex advert over - Doug you owe me a cyber beer!
I have some interview shoots in the next couple of weeks so will learn a bit about some picture profiles and skin tones next.
David Dixon May 4th, 2016, 09:51 PM Andy, on my Dec. 2015 5K iMac, it's definitely easier to read the date on the Vimeo version. It's just sharper. I was watching fullscreen, so I assume it was magnified slightly larger than 100% and that may have exaggerated the difference. I also found that with my not-super-fast AT&T UVerse internet, the 4K streamed better with fewer buffering pauses on Vimeo as well.
Andy Wilkinson May 5th, 2016, 02:53 AM Thanks for the info David. Appreciated.
Andy Wilkinson May 5th, 2016, 02:11 PM Really glad I tested this 4K workflow recently! Tonight (yes at 9.00PM...) I've just had a confirmation that I've got the contract to produce my first 4K film for a major multinational, filming in two of their locations in the UK :-)
Mark Morreau May 5th, 2016, 02:30 PM Hi Andy,
You'll be wanting a monitor for that then...
I'm using a Dell P2715Q.
Very pleased with it.
Don't seem to be available from Dell right now, but plenty about in the retail channel.
Dell P2715Q Review - 4k 27-Inch LED Ultra HD Monitor (