View Full Version : converting vob back to mpeg
Ed Mellnik January 28th, 2016, 01:04 AM There must be a way to turn a vob file back to mpeg without having to re-encode.
I have tried many software that claim to do it but it is never without re-encoding.
I have a video recorder and want to take that file and re-author using the original mpeg file.
any help here would be appreciated.
Noa Put January 28th, 2016, 01:26 AM Just rename the .vob extension to .mpg
Jeff Pulera January 28th, 2016, 08:16 AM In the past, when I needed to re-author a DVD I'd made earlier and no longer had the assets, I would use the free "MPEG StreamClip" software, which could rip the video back to an .m2v file which I'd then drop into Adobe Encore to author again. I believe there was no transcoding happening, was just pulling original assets back from disc. Audio was a separate file.
Noa Put January 28th, 2016, 08:38 AM Or you might give Tmpgenc MPEG Smart Renderer 4 a go
Ervin Farkas February 1st, 2016, 08:26 PM MPEG Streamclip will do the job for you.
Go to > File and either > Open files or > Open DVD depending on where the video is, then back to File > Convert to MPEG. Despite the name, there will be absolutely no conversion, Streamclip will simply extract the video and save it in MPEG2 format. Doing so will create ONE file, not separate audio and video files.
David Stoneburner February 2nd, 2016, 09:03 AM I always just change the extension to .mpg. The only thing you may run into doing that is if you have to join two vob files together. Sometimes you might get a minor frame or two drop out. It just depends.
Warren Kawamoto February 3rd, 2016, 09:45 AM Noa and David are right, simply change the file extension from .vob to .mpg, no software or converting is necessary.
Jeff Pulera February 3rd, 2016, 11:14 AM The "rename the extension" trick may or may not work depending on the authoring software. If you give Adobe Encore anything other than a legit .m2v, I think it will want to transcode the content. This would include a muxed MPEG file I believe. By using MPEG StreamClip to pull an .m2v from the .vob, transcoding can be avoided.
In reality, it's been several years since I've done this, so I could be all wet, but that's how I remember it ;-)
Bryan Worsley February 4th, 2016, 09:52 PM You could also use tsMuxeR to demux
tsMuxeR 2.6.12 (
and then another tool called MPlex for remuxing to mpg.
I have a copy on file. Just looking for a download link.
Edit: Darn, can't find it just now. That doesn't help much does it? I'll come back on this.
And there's another tool VOB2MPG that can pull VOB's out of a DVD.ifo and convert to MPG. Never used it myself but it used to be quite popular:
Bryan Worsley February 5th, 2016, 12:02 PM I contacted the developer of that MPlex tool, Donald Graft (aka Neuron2), and he'd moved his tools/utilities directory.
The download link is:
It's a standalone tool. Here's what the GUI looks like:
Really straightforward. So just input your demuxed m2v or mpv video and audio and set to mux. Only thing with ac3 audio files is that you have to type in the full file name.
All of Donald Graft's video tools/utilities are top-notch and quite safe/clean. I brought attention to another of his tools for cutting large video files in an earlier thread: