View Full Version : Question about 1394 capture from xl1s

December 15th, 2001, 07:23 PM
I just bought a new XL-1S and I'm having trouble with the captures I'm getting. This being my frst DV camera I'm not sure if its operator error or got a pre-broken at the factory camera. What I get is a beautiful picture except for the last two horizontal lines of each frame. In every frame there is a solid black scan line at the very bottom and the next line above it is lighter then the rest of the frame. I've tried on two different windows boxes with two different T.I. based 1394 cards. Both machines used the stock Microsoft DV codec and stock Microsoft T.I. 1394 drivers. Tried capturing in both Premiere 6 and Ulead Video Studio with same results. This isnt normal is it ?

John Klein
December 16th, 2001, 02:05 AM
I just looked on mine too, yep, it's there. There is likely to be more "lines" on the sides which also fit in the TV overscan area.

Thank God that the pixels we have are used in the "picture" area. Some companies are boasting a few extra pixels that are used, but in an unneeded area. Heck let's sqeeze the top too if it gets us more pixels in the middle, where we need 'em.

I haven't seen it appear on the TV yet, as there is some "play" in the video image so it fits on all TVs.

I forgot the term, but there is a ghost type of image inherent in dv with all hard contrast edges. My understanding is that is where the xl1, without any sharpness added, really shines. Or should I say, it really doesn't (shine). Because I read that there is less of that "edginess" with the xl1 than most other dv cameras.

Part of the reason why Canon's have a less "video" look than some.

Joe Redifer
December 16th, 2001, 02:34 AM
I think the term you are looking for is "TV Safe Area".