Mike Watson
January 26th, 2016, 04:24 PM
I was hired to do some vanpool spots several months ago, and after months of work, they started running today!
Redesign Your Commute - SANDAG Vanpool Program - YouTube
Always interested to hear comments and constructive criticism.
John Nantz
January 26th, 2016, 07:06 PM
That’s a good gig!
0:09 The freeway is empty. Need to get a shot of Seattle area freeways, er … moving parking lots.
Gas gauge at 0:17 good touch, maybe have another frame on the yellow Empty warning
Recommend deleting the car parking at 1:06 - the driver parked over the line and took up two spaces.
End: the Redesign your commute dot com with a graph paper background - another good touch.
Nice vanpool cast
Good graphics.
With co-riders like Jane those spots should get some action.
Mike Watson
January 26th, 2016, 09:00 PM
John thanks for the comments.
:09 is not a freeway at all. It's a 4-lane divided highway. I needed a quadcopter shot for the effect but really wasn't comfortable flying the drone in that situation over a packed freeway - when we found this nearby highway that resembles a freeway, we used this instead. I agree, I'd have rather had more traffic.
As for traffic, we were requested to not portray traffic as bad either for John or for Jane.. we're promoting other aspects of vanpooling in the spots.
Good catch with the car out of the lines at 1:06! I had him park like that intentionally, but didn't realize it was visible in the finished spots!
Thanks for the comments!
How apparent is it that it was shot on greenscreen? We tried not to make it too "sitcom"!
Vince Pachiano
January 26th, 2016, 10:12 PM
I also noticed the piss-poor parking job - LOL
Also at 0:54, the shadow of the drone. At first I thought it was some CGI artifact.
My biggest critique is not your work, but rather the script. It's not very informative. It tells me nothing new. I already get that if I vanpool, I can relax and get work done. How do I find people that live nearby that work at the same place, at the same time. How much of an extra drive does the van driver have if he has to stop and pick-up four other drivers. Then reverse the whole thing at night. I mean, its a no-brainer for Jane, she basically gets chauffeured to/from work. I suspect the the reality is a little different.
Mike Watson
January 26th, 2016, 10:49 PM
I get what you're saying. The :30s and the :15s really push the website, and those answers are at the website. They felt that information got us in the weeds too far, and I tend to agree.
The vanpool thing is a really good deal. I had the same qualms as you when I signed on to the project, but after learning about the process, the problems don't seem to exist like you'd think they would.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Duane Adam
January 30th, 2016, 09:39 AM
I liked it and am pretty sure the parking lot clip is a non issue to most. As is the case with most of these videos, job one is putting together and shooting the strategy, job two is getting it circulated. I've found it more difficult to get people to watch mine as the novelty of video has worn off and there is so much other content. Noticed you have around 185 views so same issue for this one. Be interested to know how you and others are distributing these for mass viewings.
Mike Watson
January 31st, 2016, 12:15 AM
I think part of the strategy is the very expensive TV buy for the :30s and :15s. :-)