View Full Version : Help on glowing orange film effect

Wes Coughlin
October 20th, 2005, 03:55 PM
I have search and search and search to find ways of recreating the orange glowing effect such as show here:

Ive seen it in many different types of films, and im eager to use it on my own.
I assume it can be recreated in After Effects, but i have no clue where to begen. All my trials and errors have not yet been sufficient enough to come up with the look and i have not yet found any tutorials or advice. Please help, Thnx

Joel Davis
February 14th, 2006, 07:25 PM
It was only a few weaks ago I was wondering the same thing Wes, I found this tutorial on the web Film burn effect (;1249035901;fp;16;fpid;0) I have had a lot of fun creating this effect on my projects.

Use the settings in the tutorial as a guide and then play around with them to see if you can get better effects.

I use Photoshop to make the orange/yellow backgounds and then import them into Premiere pro as a second clip to make the transitions. It looks good if you make the backgrounds bigger and then keyframe the motion to get frame moving through the different colour gradients.

Hope this helps.