Kevin Balling
January 17th, 2016, 01:52 PM
Wondering if some of you DSLR shooters can offer advice on which ND filter (in terms of strength) you find yourself using most. I have been using camcorders for 35 years and wanted to test the waters with a DSLR camera. I needed a still camera anyway. I have never shot any DSLR video. I purchased a Panasonic G7 with a slow 3.5 kit lens and plan to upgrade lenses. I bought a B+W 2 stop ND filter thinking it might do the trick. I tested it out on a bright day and needed to stop down to f-22 to get correct exposure. I then purchased a B+W 6 stop, and although I have not had a chance to test it on a bright day, I am thinking it might be overkill if I were to have only one filter.
I know that ultimately, it is a good idea to have a few different strength filters, but I am interested in what is your most-used ND filter is in terms of strength . I think that for convenience a variable ND filter would be mighty nice and might end up going that way, so I would like your thoughts on those as well.
Thanks for any advice you might offer. Thanks in advance.
I know that ultimately, it is a good idea to have a few different strength filters, but I am interested in what is your most-used ND filter is in terms of strength . I think that for convenience a variable ND filter would be mighty nice and might end up going that way, so I would like your thoughts on those as well.
Thanks for any advice you might offer. Thanks in advance.