Barry Uddstrom
January 17th, 2016, 02:20 AM
I have a Sony PXW-X70 and use it as a “B” camera which I control via wifi from my ipad.
This way I can zoom in and out etc, but not control the direction the camera is filming.
Have wondered if anybody is using the “CamRanger PT Hub and MP-360 Pan/Tilt head”
As I usually shoot video on my own it would be great to have full control of the “B” camera.
On You Tube you see people using DSLR type cameras, is anybody using the CamRanger with a proper video camera on it?
Would love to hear your thoughts about it.
Chris Soucy
January 17th, 2016, 01:13 PM
Hi Barry..............
You'll get heaps more mileage if you include the appropriate web links to mentioned products.
Not too many people can be bothered dumpster diving to try and find them otherwise, especially these two, as most people (me included) wouldn't know them if they sat up and bit them.
Barry Uddstrom
January 17th, 2016, 01:59 PM
Hi Chris,
Yes I guess you are right, here is a link to it on B & H.
CamRanger PT Hub and MP-360 Pan/Tilt Head 1006 B&H Photo Video
Also a link to a You Tube review.
CamRanger PT Hub and MP-360 - YouTube
As seen on the You Tube link you have control over the iris etc, I are guessing this would not work with a video camera, seems to be designed for a DSLR
But would not be a problem as zoom, Iris & on-off can be controlled through the Sony Remote Control App.
I are only wanting to change direction of the camera from time to time.
I do a lot of Multicam filming on my own.
Chris Soucy
January 17th, 2016, 02:32 PM
Well stuff me, so much for me not knowing it if it bit me!
I've got two of those things, though back in the dark ages when I bought mine in the UK, they weren't called "MP - 360".
More to the point, I used one with a Canon XL1s, which is one chunky piece of hardware, way too heavy for the tilt mechanism, so it required some special engineering to alleviate the dead weight.
Didn't have wireless remote back then, just DIN connect cable, though simple enough to make a 30 foot extension.
I don't know what engineering improvements they may have made to the pan/ tilt mechanism since I bought my units, I found the pan & tilt to be a bit "ratchety" and the speed could best be described as "glacial", the latter may be no deterrent depending on your application.
As I was using it to track wild foxes at distances of no more than 15 - 20 feet, the speed thing could be more than a trifle annoying.
However, as the nearest equivalent "real" unit was 10 times more expensive I made do.
Barry Uddstrom
January 17th, 2016, 02:58 PM
Thanks Chris,
Surprising what videographers have hidden away, guess we all have a habit of collecting gear (-;
Having a wireless control is a big plus.
Yes I would think the XL1s would be a bit on the heavier side, slow panning etc wouldn't be a problem as I wouldn't use panning shots in my multicam edits.
My guess the main unit would be much the same as when you purchased your ones, this again guessing how they keep the price down.
Guess I will mull it over for a while and see if anyone else has input.
Thanks Barry