View Full Version : grain un the video, any help?

Marcus Martell
January 15th, 2016, 05:09 PM
Hallo guys,
unfortunately i don't have neat video to remove grain...I need a free solution or a good friend that could help me if i send the 15 seconds of the video to fix the situation.
Any helping hands out there?
Thank you in advance

David Barnett
January 20th, 2016, 03:28 PM
I have neat video. I'm no expert but good enough to get by. What's the video & how bad is the grain? You can PM me a Dropbox link & I'll do it for you.

Christopher Young
January 21st, 2016, 04:35 AM
If it is only a short clip and the noise isn't too extreme and if you can edit x264 encoded MP4s then Handbrake might solve your problem, Handbrake is free:

Under tools/options/output files/MP4 file Extension select "Always use MP4."

Under the Video tab I would select 'Constant fFamerate' and select the framerate you require from the drop down menu. Set the H.264 Profile to 'Main' and H.264 level to 4.1. Select 'AVG Bitrate (kbps) then set to something like 40000 to 50000 and select 2-Pass Encoding. Forget the 'Turbo first pass.'

Under the Filters tab set 'Denoise' to 'hqdn3d' This will open a dialogue where you can select a Preset.
There are five selection settings. Try them all. For most material with reasonable noise I find 'Medium' works quite well.

Give the clip a name and export location and hit the go button. Handbrake is dynamic and does its noise analysis on a frame by frame basis and will generally give you a pretty good good noise reduced file yet Handbrake can still maintain reasonable sharpness in the image.

I'm not saying it is as good a Neat Video by any means but for the price it's worth a try.

Chris Young
CYV Productions