View Full Version : Vegas 13Pro GUI scaling with 4K monitors

Robert Garvey
January 12th, 2016, 10:52 PM
Greetings to all for 2016. My it be prosperous:)

Has anyone been able to solve the GUI scaling of Vegas 13 Pro icons on hi DPI screens?

I have just installed a Dell UP3216Q - 32" UHD monitor and am really struggling to work as effectively with the tiny icons in the V13 interface. (Win 8.1 but I don't believe Win 10 is any better)

I have successfully used the registry/manifest hack as detailed below on other programs including the Adobe suite, Faststone, VLC, Aftershot2 etc... but is does not seem to work with Vegas. After applying it to Vegas, V13 will not load.

Adobe App Scaling on High DPI Displays (FIX) | Dan Antonielli (

I see that people have brought this to Sony's attention more then 6 months ago but Sony have not produced a fix.

I think it is a bit rough championing 4K support when it is difficult to use the interface on certain sized 4K monitors.

Any ideas??


Edward Troxel
January 13th, 2016, 08:48 AM
"4k support" refers to the video you are editing - not the monitors you are using to edit on.

The only way I know to make the icons larger is to use a lower resolution on your monitor.