View Full Version : Courrupted clip - what to do?

Jeff Harper
January 9th, 2016, 03:54 PM
I have a corrupted 4K clip from AX100. Camera froze during shoot. Clip appeared to be normal at time of download, but on Vegas timeline when played Vegas freezes. I tried to render clip by itself to make it useable, but it won't render, it just stays stuck at 0%

What can I do to fix clip?

Jeff Harper
January 9th, 2016, 07:06 PM
Got it working, moved clip into another new project, trimmed off the end, it worked.

Ian Stark
January 10th, 2016, 03:45 AM
Phew! Those are the twitchiest of twitchy moments!

I recently shot a music promo and the first three or four clips on the card were corrupt (and irrecoverable). Thankfully I was dual recording to card (in 4k) and to a Samurai Blade for monitoring (which downsized the image to 1080). However, I stooooopidly failed to stop the on screen data from the camera going out to the Samurai so I had the battery level, red recording dot and other info flashing the whole time. Extensive use of BCC Wire Removal did the trick, but matching the 1080 shots to the 4K footage was hard work!

Glad you got it sorted, Jeff.

Chris Harding
January 10th, 2016, 08:34 AM
I have had a couple of corrupt clips where Vegas crashes when it gets to it and provided the camera didn't fail during the clip I have always found the corruption seems to be in the header of the clip so if trimming the end doesn't work try trimming maybe 5 frames off the front and it will solve the problem.