View Full Version : C300 mk 2 UHD picture only in quarter of screen

Syeed Ali
January 9th, 2016, 10:27 AM

Just got my C300 mk2 and connected it to my 7Q+.

When in UHD 3840 x 2160, it only shows on a quarter of the 7Q screen.

I'm connecting via SDI A.

HD outputs are ok. it's just UHD and 4K

Any idea how I can make it go full screen?


Dan Keaton
January 9th, 2016, 11:28 AM
Dear Syeed,

I will be happy to help you personally.

If possible, could you please call me at:

Seven One Nine -- Nine Three Zero -- One Three Seven Six or

Via Skype:

Dan (dot) keaton1

I am in the United States.


Typically this happens, when you are in a UHD (Ultra-HD) or 4K mode, in the Odyssey7Q+, but are only sending a HD image to the Odyssey7Q or Odyssey7Q+.

Thus, I would like to help you personally, to troubleshoot this problem.


Dan Keaton
January 9th, 2016, 11:41 AM
Dear Syeed,

On the Canon C500, 4K and UHD are output via HD-SDI as Raw only.

(I am about to read the C300 Mark II manual to see if the C300 works the same way over HD-SDI).

If the above is true, then:

You have your C300 Mark II setup to output UHD, over HD-SDI which is Raw.

But, your Odyssey7Q+ is setup for taking 4K/UHD 4:2:2 (video) from HDMI or HD-SDI sources.

Please go into our Setup Menu, in Monitor-> Record and select:

Raw -> ProRes or

Raw -> Raw

Do you have our Raw Bundle, and is Canon Raw installed.

Please call me, I provided my numbers I my previous Post, above.


Dan Keaton
January 9th, 2016, 12:32 PM
Dear Syeed,

On your C300 Mark II,

In the Record Media Setup Menu,

In the 4K Record Out Raw Mode,

Have you selected 4K Raw, 2K or Off?

I believe that you have to select 4K Raw to output UHD.


Then on the Odyssey7Q+, press the Gear Button (in the upper left hand corner),

Press Setup

Press Camera or Master Camera and select Canon (which you have already done)

Under Select: Monitor->Record:

Select Canon Raw 4K/QHD -> Raw (.RMF) or

Select Canon Raw 4K/QHD -> ProRes (.MOV)

Please note: to record Raw to Raw or Raw to ProRes, you need our Canon Raw option, which is part of our Raw Bundle.

If you do not have the above, then you can setup the C300 Mark II for 2K output and then record 2K in the Odyssey7Q+.

Please feel free to call me (my numbers are in a post, above),


Syeed Ali
January 9th, 2016, 02:34 PM
Thanks for the telephone help Dan.

Have installed the RAW upgrade and everything working now.