View Full Version : gopro4 4k files workflow in vegas 10 and xp 32bit

Marcus Martell
January 4th, 2016, 09:36 AM
Hola guys,
wish you an happy new year! Im having issues handling 4k files from gopro from an aerial scene. Vegas keep crashing and the preview is very slow as it is an old pc Dell precision m6300. I tryed to use the gopro software but when i choose to render in mov or avi the footage is speed up
What's your workflow for a project 1440 x1080 i with some aerials (filmed in 4k to have more detail for the stabylizing process)i want to stabilize with Vegas?
thank you

Noa Put
January 4th, 2016, 11:49 AM
Check the "advanced settings" in gopro studio, most likely the "speed up" option has been ticked, untick it and try again.

Marcus Martell
January 15th, 2016, 05:06 PM
Hallo Noa,
thank u for tryng to help...No it was not ticked..I don't know why; other bad thing after i put in timeline those files edited with Gopro studio Vegas 10 come up with a red screen on the preview and keep crashing.
I don't know what other solution should i drive

Jack Zhang
January 16th, 2016, 01:35 AM
You can likely natively import the GoPro's MP4s. The CineForm files Studio spits out are less stable with Vegas. Remember Vegas can import MP4s up to 4096x2304.

Even editing HD, I directly work with the MP4 files from the GoPro.

Since you are still working in 32bit Windows, turn Dynamic RAM preview to 0 and assign how many threads to how many cores are in your PC. If you are still crashing, turn your number of threads down to 1.

Marcus Martell
January 16th, 2016, 06:19 AM
Oh wow! Could u tell me how to do it please?

Jack Zhang
January 16th, 2016, 06:58 AM
Just import the MP4s from the card directly in Sony Vegas. That's all there is to it.

The Dynamic RAM settings are under "Options -> Preferences -> Video"

Marcus Martell
January 16th, 2016, 11:22 AM
Mt pc is 10 years old... Running xp 32
Nvidia quadro fx3600...
Old lady My precision m6300 nowaday but i like editing full ha with it. Now i try what u sugges ed me