View Full Version : A7sII IBIS

Ger Griffin
January 3rd, 2016, 07:30 AM
Ive been looking around the net for samples and opinions but nobody is delving into it properly I feel.

How good is it really? If for example I put a samyang 85 on it will it be properly stabilised and usuable? How does it compare to the excellent lens stabilization that we get from a Canon 20-105 or 70-200 IS

Im thinking of buying the mark 2 for the IBIS and cant try before I buy where Im situated so Im hoping for some real world experience of the feature from experienced shooters.
Thanks guys

Dave Sperling
January 3rd, 2016, 10:05 AM
Haven't done any direct comparison tests.
Did a series of interviews recently where I used an FS7 with a 28-70 on a tripod as a wider lockoff, and operated with the producer's A7sii and a Nikon 80-200/2.8 on a monopod (most often in the 135-150mm range) for the closeups - using the in-body stabilization. Interview subjects were standing, so I was actively following their movements. I was impressed with the way the stabilization seemed to help. (In the past I've done similar shoots using my original A7s, and always felt it was really hard to get it stable enough.) So my non-scientific opinion is that the IBIS is really worth it.

Ger Griffin
January 3rd, 2016, 03:55 PM
Thanks Dave, its real world not neccessarily scientific opinions I'm after. How it 'feels' so to speak. And also if 3 axis stabilisation is enough. I dont want to find myself yearning for Sony native lenses after switching just to have 5 axis