View Full Version : Does sony render twice, once in Vegas, once in DA?

Darryn Carroll
December 20th, 2015, 10:56 AM
Using Vegas Movie Studio and rendering to the DVD Architect template. Does DVD Architect then render again?

Seth Bloombaum
December 20th, 2015, 04:42 PM
If you've rendered correctly in Vegas, DVD Architect recognizes the file as compatible, and won't re-render.

If the file doesn't meet the spec, or is too big, DVD-A will re-render.

The workflow is fully described in Edward Troxel's excellent newsletters. They addressed earlier versions of Vegas/DVDA, but the workflow really hasn't changed.

Find them at (

Darryn Carroll
December 20th, 2015, 09:30 PM
Thanks Seth, I am assuming (hoping) that since I rendered to a DA template that its correct. I will burn one tomorrow and probably should know by the speed of the burn whether it re-renders or not?

Juris Lielpeteris
December 21st, 2015, 08:19 AM
AC3 audio templates for DVD Architect and for DVD Architect Studio is different. Vegas Movie Studio for DVD Architect Studio don't use dynamic range compression in preprocessing and will be recompressed in DVD Architect. Video templates looks like similar.

Seth Bloombaum
December 21st, 2015, 09:59 AM
Thanks Seth, I am assuming (hoping) that since I rendered to a DA template that its correct. I will burn one tomorrow and probably should know by the speed of the burn whether it re-renders or not?

If it fits on a disk as it is, (including an allowance for menus & audio), it shouldn't be recompressed.

I'm not a user of the "Studio" series of software... It may be worth cracking the manual on the audio issue Juris describes above.

Jeff Harper
December 29th, 2015, 09:10 AM
If DVDA does recompress your video it will tell you it's doing it.

The other obvious way to avoid recompression is not to just render it correctly, but to make sure the DVDA properties are set to match your render settings. It can be easy to overlook setting the audio correctly in DVDA, by the way, so play close attention to that also.

Jorma Nippala
December 30th, 2015, 06:44 AM
Render a DVD compliant video file from Vegas.
Render a DVD compliant audio file from Vegas. You need both video and audio.
That means MPEG2 video and AC3 audio in separate files.
Open the video in DVD Architect.