View Full Version : Camera that outputs mirrored image over HDMI

Phil Douglas
December 14th, 2015, 04:46 AM
As the title states I am looking for a relatively inexpensive video camera that will output a mirrored/reversed image through HDMI. The only other must have feature is full manual control - over white balance, exposure, focus.

Certain Canon cameras do have this such as the cinema line and the XF series - Canon calls this feature "Scan Reverse". But we don't need all of the other features these cameras have, and as we need to buy a bunch of them, cost is an issue. We are currently using a C-300 for our tests - but need to find something else once we get going.

The big problem is that this feature is not important enough to list on spec sheets, etc., so I have been going through camera manuals to try and find this feature, which is time consuming.

Please let me know if you own or know of a currently available camera that shoots video with the above specs.


Jay Massengill
December 15th, 2015, 09:13 AM
Have you looked at inexpensive external devices that will mirror (reverse) the HDMI signal?

I've never used one, but your question caused me to search these items to use in a mirrored teleprompter system so any generic HDMI monitor could be used with a mirror teleprompter while the operator watches the regular display screen during prompting.

These are available for less than $100 and would allow you to use any camera that can satisfy your other requirement of full manual control.

Since the term "mirror" is used in two different ways when talking about sending out video to a second monitor, careful searching for these devices is required to actually find ones that will reverse the image instead of just duplicating or extending the original display to additional monitors.

I found one on Amazon from E-More, but as I said I have no actual experience with the device.

Jack Zhang
December 17th, 2015, 04:49 AM
You need the Decimator MD-HX. DECIMATOR MD-HX Miniature HDMI/SDI Cross Converter DD-HX B&H

It has an internal scaler that can flip the image for both SDI and HDMI sources. (with the recent update to the firmware, which all new ones come with)

Don't trust the Amazon cheapo boxes. Those are single function with the lowest quality components and weird restrictions and quirks that will CERTAINLY not work for a professional broadcast environment.

Unfortunately, Full manual control is but a blessing in the consumer world. You may be better off getting a Marshall SDI camera head with a manual lens, passing through the MD-HX.