L. M. Tu
December 13th, 2015, 09:12 AM
Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum :). I found dvdinfo.net while looking for a solution to the problem of adapting Manfrotto video plates for use with Arca Swiss style gear. I shoot video with Sony E-mount cameras (NEX-5t, NEX-6, VG30/VG900) and need to balance everything from a small camera with a lens that weighs almost nothing to a camcorder with an adapted 70-200 lens from an SLR. My gear is usually on top of a Sirui P-424S monopod and Benro S6 head. The Benro head uses the Manfrotto plates which are standard on the 501, 502, 503, etc. heads. My first solution was a Kirk SQRC-501PL adapter, a great product that marries a 60mm clamp to a Kirk clone of a Manfrotto plate; this one usually sells for $130 but there was a sale on it for $85. Then I found a much cheaper solution with a no-brand 120mm clamp for $11.98 and free shipping (search for "QR 120 plate"). Well, I got the big clamp yesterday and have found it to work very well. The quality seems to be quite good and, in one way, it does a better job than the Kirk adapter: it is longer and therefore allows me more flexibility in balancing light payloads by moving them further forward than I can with the Kirk. I just wish they made a 140mm model to match the length of a 504PLONG. To mount this clamp, I added a second captive 1/4 inch screw to a 90mm long Manfrotto plate (officially known as the 501PLONG, I think) and was able to attached the clamp to the Manfrotto plate with two screws instead of just one. The clamp-plate assembly has no clearance problem on the Benro S6 head, or on my Manfrotto 502, as long as the clamp is turned around so that the knob is on the left side. This is also true when operating the Kirk SQRC-501PL and is caused by the positioning of the plate lock on Manfrotto heads.