View Full Version : Difficult Bride + Discs Not Working

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Anthony McErlean
December 15th, 2015, 04:06 AM
As far as I am concerned, once the finished product is delivered and accepted, it becomes the client's responsibility. If they scratch it, break it of the dog chews it, it is their problem not mine, although I have a backup copy of every DVD I have produced. I would charge them for a replacement though.

If a DVD simply stops working because of degradation over the years, then surely that is down to the manufacturer of the DVD not me as I have no control over manufacturing processes any more than I have over how a client uses or stores their DVD. For the last few years, DVD has the the delivery media of choice for most people, but it is a consumable item and clients need to take responsibility for looking after it.


100% agree with Roger, once they have the DVD and are happy with the finished product, its up to them to look after their DVD, not me.
I also keep a backup copy of the DVD and nothing else.
If by any chance the DVD RW might be to blame bin it and get another. Dirt cheap now compared to what they used to be.

They are advised to make backup copies but that's up to them.

Noa Put
December 15th, 2015, 04:35 AM
are you worried about the day when previous clients from many years ago start emailing with the dreaded "DVDs no longer working" complaint?

I give my clients a copy of the iso file as well including the dvdprints, before I did this I never got a request for extra dvd's so didn't see any reason to hold on to it myself.

Steven Davis
December 15th, 2015, 03:23 PM
I fourth it, buy a DVD player, test the disks and send her the DVD player.

Chris Harding
December 15th, 2015, 06:35 PM
I really did have a bride who's dog ate the DVD set.. it ripped the case as well as both disks. so I do keep a copy of the client's DVD on by backup drives. In fact I supplied a bride from a 2014 wedding a DVD set just a few weeks ago but she never said why she wanted it!