View Full Version : Canon announces mount change program for C300 MK II

Jim Martin
December 1st, 2015, 10:33 AM
Here is the for the new mount & labor the first time, they give you the old mount, and any changes after that (same 2 mounts) are just the labor charge....

Camera Model Conversion Kit Cost Cost of First Time Modification
EOS C300 MKII EF to EF-*‐CL $1,670 $500 $2,170
EOS C300 MKII EF to PL $1,320 $500 $1,820
EOS C300 MKII PL to EF-*‐CL $1,670 $500 $2,170

1. The conversion kit needs to be purchased for the first time modification, as it can be reused
2. Shipping charges are not included

Cost of Subsequent Modification
All Models N/A $500 $500 Shipping charges are not included

Jim Martin