View Full Version : Render to new track
Renton Maclachlan November 28th, 2015, 04:56 PM I use 'Render to New Track a lot. However it is a pain as it always renders to a track at the top of the column of tracks.
What I would like to do is render to a specified track, rather than to a new track. That means I could send the render to exactly the place I want it to go, whereas at present I have another couple of steps I have to perform to get it to the place it is meant to go.
Is it possible to render to a specified track?
Graham Bernard November 29th, 2015, 12:39 AM Is it possible to render to a specified track? No, and I don't know of any Script or plug that does do this.
Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2015, 01:30 AM Thanks Graham...pity...
Edward Troxel November 29th, 2015, 01:58 PM Generally speaking, the purpose of a render to to eliminate the need for the other tracks. So by putting the render "on top" of the - now unneeded - tracks, that is what makes perfect sense. If you put it below the other tracks, you don't need the render to begin with.
Perhaps I'm not seeing the big picture here...
Leslie Wand November 29th, 2015, 04:10 PM ditto edward - however, i did wonder the same thing for quite a while till the light dawned ;-)
Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2015, 09:16 PM Hi Edward
Unfortunately, that is not how it works with the project I'm working on.
I discovered ages ago that I cannot render the whole of a 30 minute episode with chroma key and miscellaneous other effects, in one go...the render would seize up at some point.
Thus I took to rendering out each of the specific chroma keyed camera angles...with its background, many of which still had to have text go over the top of them.
Actually...I rendered out the background before this because it consists of four tracks and needed to be given the same effects as the chroma track. Yeah I know I can 'paste event attributes' to the four background tracks, but some of the rendered background tracks need 'track motion' applied to them and that makes it easier to use one rendered track...
Also the multiple chroma key tracks will not play real time before rendering so I can't do precise editing with it on - something absolutely necessary. Most of my editing I do with CK off but I still may want to edit after CKing because of the nature of the background...all very complicated... :-)
Because of the above, these rendered sections had to come down the event column so that other graphics could still be imposed over them...leaving many elements still available for editing and manipulation if I so chose.
The above is probably as clear as mud...
Graham Bernard November 30th, 2015, 12:29 AM The above is probably as clear as mud... I'm also a Ceramicist, so I understand completely!
Now, if your ONLY two provisos are that you may need to edit further down the "road" and you need to add TITLES over the whole project, then use the Nested Timeline option/s. Vegas uses Veg files the same as it does a Media file. You can place a Veg Project on another instance of Vegas. This way you can have your Text Track on a Track1 up above your Nested Timeline, say Track 2, AND, if you need to further edit the underlying CK multi-fx-ed Veg then that is only a Click Away and that project opens up >> you make your adjustments >> save return to your TEXTED veg and it will have been updated.
Renton Maclachlan November 30th, 2015, 02:30 AM I have never used 'nested' stuff at all, having never understood how it all works...
The work flow I have worked out is working, and deals with a number of issues I've come across. I'm not sure I want to head into nesting at this point, though I know I should explore all that at some point...
After about three years into post-production of 'my project', I am now just finishing episode 7 of 13, so I'm a bit over half way. Hopefully the next year could see it all finished, as I'm putting more time into getting moving along...dreams are free.
Maybe I'll read up about nesting in my spare time...
Actually, do you know of any clear explanations regarding it? I have Spotted Eagles 'Vegas Pro 11 Editing Workshop' and he deals with it as I recall...
Thanks for the pointer.
Graham Bernard December 1st, 2015, 12:30 AM Actually, do you know of any clear explanations regarding it?
1] - Create a Project called MyProject1.veg and add some stuff. Save.
2] - Create another Project called MyProject2.veg, In Project Media navigate to where MyProject1 resides and drag it to the MyProject2 Timeline.
Jo Ouwejan December 1st, 2015, 01:51 AM 2] - Create another Project called MyProject2.veg, In Project Media navigate to where MyProject1 resides and drag it to the MyProject2 Timeline.
Before you drag the veg to the timeline,you need to wait for Vaegas to create the sfap0 file. So just click on the veg first and wait until you see it appear in the preview window. Than drag it to the timeline.
Graham Bernard December 1st, 2015, 03:00 AM Thank you Jo. Import through Import Media into Project Media and THEN Drag to Timeline. Depending on the complexity of your imported VEG the file creation is mighty fast - well, it is for me.
Do, do try this, it is very straightforward.