View Full Version : GH4 shutter wheel.

Anthony McErlean
November 8th, 2015, 06:34 PM
Is it just me but I tend to move my GH4 shuttler wheel setting by accident and don't catch on until I'm recording.
It's a pity it can't be locked.

Mark Williams
November 8th, 2015, 07:36 PM
Happens to me also. It would be nice to be able to lock it.

Anthony McErlean
November 9th, 2015, 02:02 AM
Happens to me also. It would be nice to be able to lock it.

I thought of tapeing it over with something, I don't tend to change my shutter speed at all.

Thanks Mark.

Mark Williams
November 9th, 2015, 08:35 AM
I wish when you lock the top function wheel in movie mode that it could be programmed to also lock the shutter speed. That is funny about the tape. I have tape on my lenses to I don't accidentally turn on image stabilization since I shoot mostly on a tripod.

Anthony McErlean
November 9th, 2015, 09:58 AM
I... I have tape on my lenses to I don't accidentally turn on image stabilization since I shoot mostly on a tripod.

If that works, that's all that matters, I must see if I could come up with something :)

Bill Pryor
November 17th, 2015, 01:46 PM
A little piece of gaffer tape is what I use. It stays on a long time but eventually gets replaced. It's a little awkward if you have to pull it off and replace it to switch to stills. Too bad there's no lock position, or menu setting. I remember on my old Canon XH A1 from years ago, it had a menu setting to disable the shutter wheel. I think it was a menu's been so long I don't recall for sure but do remember that there was definitely some way to lock it off at 1/48.

Anthony McErlean
November 17th, 2015, 05:32 PM
A little piece of gaffer tape is what I use. It stays on a long time but eventually gets replaced. It's a little awkward if you have to pull it off and replace it to switch to stills.

Thanks Bill, I don't do stills, only video, thanks for the tip.