Robert Bale
November 7th, 2015, 09:13 AM
1- Expand Focus in RECORD mode !!! Needed Please !!!!
2- White Balance to be shown on screen all the time
3- Clip and File Naming ( we have 2 cameras and is a pain tring to do multi shoots)
4-in play back clip information about each thumbnail , edit options , delete this clip , delete multi able clips.
5 - in media format, how about del clips , delete all clips
6- Naming of Picture Profiles
7- a better and more precise level meter
8 - SD card swap button A slot to B slot or B slot to A slot
Feel free to quote this Add to the list and repost it, it may be noticed by Panasonic !!
Let's get this Whish list out there
2- White Balance to be shown on screen all the time
3- Clip and File Naming ( we have 2 cameras and is a pain tring to do multi shoots)
4-in play back clip information about each thumbnail , edit options , delete this clip , delete multi able clips.
5 - in media format, how about del clips , delete all clips
6- Naming of Picture Profiles
7- a better and more precise level meter
8 - SD card swap button A slot to B slot or B slot to A slot
Feel free to quote this Add to the list and repost it, it may be noticed by Panasonic !!
Let's get this Whish list out there