View Full Version : Follow Focus Recommendations

Mark Watson
October 31st, 2015, 12:05 PM
I've been using some Canon lenses and the Sony 18-200mm lens with the FS7 and I think it's time to add a follow focus. Looked at lots of models and some video reviews, but am still undecided on which one to get. I was about to order the Edelkrone FocusOne Pro when I saw Alister Chapman's write-up on the Alphatron Pro Pull. Has anybody found something they like for this application? Ideally, it would be a single 15mm rod mount design with hard stops and be somewhat compact. What I particularly liked about the Edelkrone was the disk markings are viewable from the operator's position, but if the follow focus has hard stops, maybe it's not such a big deal. I won't be able to try before I buy. Any recommendations?

Alphatron ProPull Follow Focus 15mm ALP-PP-15 B&H Photo Video

edelkrone FOCUSONE PRO Follow Focus Unit 80408 B&H Photo Video
