View Full Version : Check remaining memory, FZ1000
Jack Walsh October 25th, 2015, 06:08 PM Is there a quick way to check the remaining card space on the FZ1000, on the fly?
Had some Extremely long speeches at last wedding, just changed cards a couple of times to be safe!
Mark Watson October 25th, 2015, 08:02 PM I don't have the FZ1000, but maybe it's similar to the FZ200, which shows either remaining number of stills it can shoot or the hours, minutes of video remaining. It appears in the lower right corner of the screen. In the Setup menu I can choose between stills or video.
Chris Harding October 25th, 2015, 10:34 PM Hi Jack
I shoot in MP4 and don't have (or can find) a setting that tells me I have 120 minutes left on the card. However whenever you start a new clip it will show the available recording time like 27m 30 s but not total time left ... As you shoot new clips, when your card is nearly full, it will detect that there is LESS than 27m left on the card and show the actual time left like 20m 15s ... That's the best I can find at present.
I'm shooting in 64GB cards so at a wedding I'm highly unlikely to exceed 64GB on each camera!!
Steve Burkett October 26th, 2015, 01:57 AM It's a bit like the GH4, it only shows the remains recording time, so as there is a 29 minute recording limit, you only see that. It's a pain in the ass, as I've been caught out by Speeches where they've gone on for 50 minutes and you find after resetting once to have only 7 minutes left.
Chris Harding October 26th, 2015, 02:41 AM Yikes Steve 50 minutes??? The people in the UK like to talk!! My wedding last weekend the Dad spoke for 3 minutes, the bridesmaid for 1 minutes, Groom's Dad managed 40 seconds and the couple did a massive 3 minutes ... Wish all my weddings were like that! My record was a FOB who recalled from the day his daughter was born to the current and he spent around 1 minute at least on each year! She was 33!!
The easy answer to Jack's question is put in a BIG card or put in a new card before speeches. I have done a full Catholic ceremony plus drawn out speeches on my A-Cam and barely used 25GB on the 64GB card .. bigger cards are so cheap now you might as well use them!!
Jack Walsh October 26th, 2015, 04:25 AM OK! Thanks for that, I can stop looking thru the menus.
Was watching that "available record time" window and hoping it was accurate, at least a guide, I spose.
I ve been using 32g, changing cards at each "stage" of the day. But wow, almost an hour of speeches. Still had a few gig left on that card tho, so no drama really, but would have liked to know at the time.
Of course it was the camera I had on the main speaker, couldnt do much about it, except reset when they took a breath. Will use a bigger card for next one.
Apart from that and the funky stabilisation, very happy with this cam so far....
Roger Gunkel October 26th, 2015, 04:36 AM I normally reckon on about 30 minutes maximum for all three speeches in the UK, although I keep a note of any new longest speeches. My longest ever speeches for Father, Groom and Best man together stands at 77 minutes!
Jack Walsh October 26th, 2015, 04:46 AM Oh my. I ve got a heap of "yawning" to edit out of my footage after less than 1 hour.
Steve Burkett October 26th, 2015, 05:06 AM I think my average for Speeches is about 35 minutes. I get very few that are 15 mins. A significant number are at 45 minutes, which is quite common and about 1 in 20 Weddings are an hour long. 1 this year was 1 hour 15 minutes. So you lot get it easy.
As for switching cards before the Speeches, I'm pretty good with that for my other cameras but its my main one I can forget. More so if Speeches are before the meal. I should invest in 128gb as I shoot 4k but aside from that two 64gb cards being cheaper than one 128gb card, I don't like to put too much footage on 1 card. In June I worked with 2 Photographers at a Wedding and their SD card failed resulting in loss of 40% of the Photos stored on it. They were able to at least recover the other 60%, but its not a pleasant scenario.