View Full Version : Music video (XL2)

Rafal Krolik
October 19th, 2005, 09:52 AM
WOW, it's been a while since I posted anything but it has been busy on this end. This might be rushing things a bit since I need to remove the lens dust from it, but here's the latest music video I finished for Eric Stevens.
Any comments will be appreciated

Ken Beals
December 28th, 2005, 02:33 AM
I like it bro. Since I am a big advocate of stabilized hand held shooting the intro with the girl turning on the TV with the remote was a bit too shaky for my taste.

The concept of the lead Singer walking down that long long road and his band mates joining in at staggered intervals worked for me.

The crossfades with the closeups were a wee bit annoying would have preferred if you just transitioned to the closeup of the singer then back to the wide shot.

Like the song, overall liked it. Did you shoot the guys walking down the long road from a vehicle ?

Rafal Krolik
December 28th, 2005, 08:41 AM
Hi Ken

I'm like you. I love long, steady, panning movements but the band wanted shaky and chaotic so what you is strictly client's request.
The walk down the road was indeed shot from the back hatch of a full size van. Using my arms to hold the door together and praying not to fall out, all while screaming at the lead singer to keep the distance since he had a tendency to walk like a slinky. As for the whole concept of transitions while walking, that was done to enhance the visual being in slow motion while the singing was synched at normal speed.

Thanks a lot for your feedback

Giuseppe Palumbo
January 3rd, 2006, 09:58 PM
Just wondering, but what was the shutter at? cause i dunno if it was the compression but it seemed a little jittery maybe.

Eniola Akintoye
January 4th, 2006, 01:16 AM
Pretty nice to me Rafal,
Did you use any adapter for that or was it just color correction?

Oh by the way, that song was hot!.

Derrick A.Jones
January 4th, 2006, 08:28 AM
the video was good. i didnt notice any jitters in that. song was good also. but one question why he always throwing his head

the jitters are from the handheld shots which are usuall when doing hend held when your moving

Sean McHenry
January 4th, 2006, 12:27 PM
I liked it. A lot. Good work I would say. I have seen much less on MTV, back when they actually had music videos on that is.

Sean McHenry

Richard Alvarez
January 4th, 2006, 12:40 PM
NIce song, I'd listen to it again.

Good concept, executed well. BUT -

What was with the parked car on the side of the road? I kept waiting for a pay-off. I mean, he's walking down the road, he's being joined by the band members, we're intercutting with the girlfriend, THEY WALK PAST A CAR PARKED HEADED OUT ONTO THE ROAD THEY ARE WALKING DOWN... the girl is loading up a car, (Is it the same one??I'm wondering...) They walk past the car, some of the band members glance back at it, we cut away to the girl's car pulling away, cut back to the road, and the car parked on the side just recedes into the background as they keep walking and singing.

If you bring a gun onstage in the first act, you better use it by the third... old theatrical saying. There shouldn't be anything in the frame that YOU DON'T WANT THERE... in narrative filmmaking anyway. Obviously docs and newsgathering don't count.

It might seem like a little deal, but I think it hurt the overall effect of the piece. Had the car been the same one the girl was driving, and it pulled out and either ZOOMED OFF IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION or BOWLED THROUGH THEM, FORCING THEM OFF THE ROAD it would have been a more powerfull statement. Music videos still should have an arc, even if they are mostly montage... just like a song.

Curious, what speed did you choose for the playback while shooting the footage you intended to slow down, and how did you accomplish it?

Sean McHenry
January 6th, 2006, 12:40 AM
I'm curious about the slow motion effect too. I am guessing you could speed up the audio playback so they can sing along to it for timing and then when you slow them both back to standard playback speed, the motion of the people will in fact look slowed down.

Something like that?

Sean McHenry

Daniel Stone
January 13th, 2006, 11:53 PM
Dirty lens, dirty lens! I'm the king of filming something and getting back to editing only to find I have crap all over the lens.

I like it! Love the slow motion thing! Nice job.

Andy Graham
January 14th, 2006, 06:41 AM
yeah i know how you feel with the dirty lense , you keep telling yourself your gonna remember to wipe it next time but you never do, thank god for after effects!. I thought it was good Rafal I wouldn't flick the channel if it came on
good job.


Adam Bray
January 26th, 2006, 03:49 PM
Not bad. Should had more of the hot chick. The idea of walking down the street was not bad, but the shakey video and the camera angle seemed off. Also, so did the yard sign and car parked on the side of the road. It would of been bettter if you saw nothing but trees and road.