View Full Version : GY-HD111 Vision archive recovery. Perth Western Australia.

Bob Hart
October 25th, 2015, 09:59 AM
Is there anyone here who lives in Perth, Western Australia still operating a camera or deck which can play back to capture archive vision shot on a GY-HD111.

A colleague shot interviews with members of the "Double Red Diamonds" who were WW2 Aussie servicemen who were sent to East Timor, were thought lost until after a long period of time, they made contact by radio.

In the time they were there they fought a guerilla campaign against the Japanese.

Some of his interviews/oral histories were shot on a Canon XL1. Others were shot on a JVC which he sold.

The XL1 footage has been recovered. It was on MiniDV. The JVC footage is another matter. Given that the firewire ports are destined eventually to die on most GY-HD*** cameras, I have counselled that he should attempt to capture this footage before it becomes irretrievably lost. None of the persons interviewed survive now.

For interest, these websites give account of the servicemen and their campaign.

Tim Lewis
October 31st, 2015, 06:21 PM
Hi Bob

I have a GY-HD111 in Perth. Unfortunately I am in Canada at the moment. I am happy to loan it out, but it cannot be retrieved from storage until we get back from Canada. That will probably be in eighteen months or so.

Bob Hart
November 1st, 2015, 12:10 AM
Thank you Tim.

I'll pass that on. The person concerned, Steve Rice is in Thailand on a long-term basis with visits to Perth, si that likely will fit with his scheme of doing things too.

Given that you are in Ontario, have you had any connection with an academic and indie director in Thunder Bay, Lee Chambers. He used two senior crew that I know of plus three West Aussie actors in his most recent project "The Pineville Heist" which is post, due for release in a few months.

Tim Lewis
November 29th, 2016, 08:12 AM
Hey Bob

I am back in Perth if you want to progress this matter any further.



Bob Hart
November 29th, 2016, 10:44 PM
Hello again Tim.

Thanks for that. I will pass the info on and see what he wants to do. It would be a shame to see it all just pass into irrecoverability. Some of the material is SD, some is JVC HDV. The bit I have seen was fascinating.

Bob Hart
December 5th, 2016, 10:21 AM

Ricey has been in touch and would still like to get his WW2 interviews safely digitised. Will you still be in Perth after end of December to check if the tapes are still good? I'll send you a dvinfo message with my email in it. Not sure message on this site will still work, - different computer.

Bob Hart
December 5th, 2016, 10:28 AM
Just pressed the "send" on a message from here. Hopefully you will receive it soon.

Ben Gurvich
December 5th, 2016, 07:54 PM
I have access to a BD-50 PAL deck Bob if you need.

Tim Lewis
December 5th, 2016, 09:35 PM
Hi Bob
Got your message, all ok. I will contact you shortly.

Bob Hart
December 12th, 2016, 08:46 AM
Hello again Ben.

Thanks for the offer. The distance west to east is a bit of a binder. Tim Lewis who is now local again in Perth may be able to do the rescue.
