Erick Perdomo
October 24th, 2015, 09:39 AM
hi everyone. I will be videotaping a musical performance under controlled lighting situations soon and I decided to cover it with my 4 cameras- a Canon C100, a XF100, a XF300 and a 70D.
Since I have several presets loaded into each camera I did some testings to see which ones would match or get close enough to do some adjustments in post...nothing major.
I shots the same scene -some slight framing differences but same lighting conditions-I white balanced and the cameras were close in K temperature. from 3700K to 3900K- so close enough. For the 70D i manually entered 3700k to match the readings of the C100.
Then I just asked my good pal Starlord to pose for me and he did :-) .
I found that the C100 mk2 looks great using Wide DR, the 70D ok in cinestyle but too soft so I will use a modified faithful setting instead with some adjustments-less contrast, then the XF100 in the Truvid 2 preset I found several months ago (thanks!) and the XF300 also in the Truvid2 setting. JPEG is attached..
I found that the only one that shows a shift to the reds is the XF300 which I have noticed before but I have lived with it I guess but I want to change that...exactly which settings do I need to tweak to bring the colour of the XF300 more in line with the XF100 and the rest. I should have asked this question years ago!
I hope someone can guide me here guys...thanks!
pls help!
Since I have several presets loaded into each camera I did some testings to see which ones would match or get close enough to do some adjustments in post...nothing major.
I shots the same scene -some slight framing differences but same lighting conditions-I white balanced and the cameras were close in K temperature. from 3700K to 3900K- so close enough. For the 70D i manually entered 3700k to match the readings of the C100.
Then I just asked my good pal Starlord to pose for me and he did :-) .
I found that the C100 mk2 looks great using Wide DR, the 70D ok in cinestyle but too soft so I will use a modified faithful setting instead with some adjustments-less contrast, then the XF100 in the Truvid 2 preset I found several months ago (thanks!) and the XF300 also in the Truvid2 setting. JPEG is attached..
I found that the only one that shows a shift to the reds is the XF300 which I have noticed before but I have lived with it I guess but I want to change that...exactly which settings do I need to tweak to bring the colour of the XF300 more in line with the XF100 and the rest. I should have asked this question years ago!
I hope someone can guide me here guys...thanks!
pls help!