View Full Version : LS300 with Hoodman EX Kit Pro

Duncan Craig
October 16th, 2015, 09:07 AM
My Hoodman EX kit arrived today.

It fits OK on the JVC, although the screen's bevel isn't quite tall enough to fill the hood, so a tiny amount of spill gets in.

I can't always get my eye perfectly centred, so one side or the other will often be slightly out focus.

Also the eyepiece seem to fog easily, so I'm on the lookout for a good 'additive' like cover washing liquid or similar to rub on the eyepiece.

On the whole it's OK, the joystick is clear of the Hoodman so it can still be operated.
I'll have a job on Tuesday and hope to try it out.

Steve Rosen
October 16th, 2015, 10:18 AM
Duncan - I have that same loupe (looks the same anyway) that I used to use on the HPX200a... Try a Zacuto ant-fog insert, the one they make for the Z-Finder... you'll have to fiddle with it, and cut it, but it works well, at least on my older one.

I didn't care much for the bulky velcro strap, so I custom made one out of leather from an old glove and fastened it with snaps, sewed the seams with dental floss. If you try to do that, be sure it's too tight at first because leather stretches. I had the snaps put in by a guy at a leather store here in town. Sorry, I don't have it anymore so I can't post photos.

Also, consider some sort of support fro the LCD door (even the HPX seemed flimsy). If you use a matte box base, you could run something up from a 15mm rod. It's easy, but takes some measuring to get it right.