View Full Version : Northern Gannet UWOL Fun Shoot

Steve Siegel
October 13th, 2015, 04:41 PM
I shot this in June, Cape St. Mary's, Newfoundland, Canada. I had hoped to get that iconic shot of a white
gannet landing, over your head, in slow motion against a blue sky, like all the photographers do, but with motion. Unfortunately, blue skies, are very rare here. In 3 days, the fog only lifted twice, permitting limited shooting. In thick fog, the gannets seem to appear like phantoms out of nowhere. Somehow, that feeling of another universe just past the fog, that you get standing there just doesn't seem to come across in the video (last 2 shots). ny suggestions how to capture such a feeling?

Of course, the music is totally illegal. It's really a shame that famous music needs to command big bucks for permission to use (even then the average Joe couldn't get permission). I would think that a reasonable charge, a few dollars, to use music in little non-commercial pieces like this one would be a welcome income stream to those involved, because lots of folks would use such pieces if they could.

Northern Gannet by Steven Siegel UWOL Fun shoot 2015 on Vimeo

Tim Lewis
October 13th, 2015, 05:16 PM
Hey Steve

Great footage. It was amazing how close you could get to the Canadian wildlife. I think you should be very pleased with this film. I was impressed.

Gordon Hoffman
October 14th, 2015, 02:04 AM
Weather can be a real challenge. I don't get much for fog here so can't help you there. You still did pretty good. I might of trimmed a couple of clips but over all it gave a sense of the place and bird activity. Enjoyed watching it. Thanks.


Catherine Russell
October 14th, 2015, 08:13 AM
Hello Steve:

I have never seen a Northern Gannet before and was in awe.

I actually watched and tried to comment last night, but anything I said seemed tripe, like a student attempting to correct a teacher or a fool trying to impress a sage.

So I'm trying again and will leave it at this: it's fulfilling and also inspiring watching what you do. This and other's contributions makes me want to take a hard look at myself and desire to do better in my own work. I guess the reason for this forum, a platform to improve.

You did ask for ideas on how to capture a feeling which is quite an esoteric question (shame on you)! :) However something comes to mind which I won't spell out here. But if you think it's worth pursuing, if you could email me one still image from your end-shot video and one still image of what the view looks like on a clear day I'd like to play around with it a bit. If something comes of it we can chat about it then.

Cheers Steve!


Trond Saetre
October 14th, 2015, 02:22 PM
Hi Steve,

I really like the close up shots of the birds. Impressive how close you were able to get.

About the fog:
The first clip was a bit lighter than the last, and to me, the lightest gave me the most "mystical" feeling with the white birds coming out of the "white fog," which I preferred.

I enjoyed watching it, and thanks for sharing.

Geir Inge
October 15th, 2015, 06:11 AM
Hello Steve.
I really enjoyed your video.
I think Northern Gannets are beautiful seabirds.
We have a lot of them at the bird cliff island of Runde.
I am not sure I'm able to give you any tip or advice, as the video to me is perfect.
Even the fog gives it a mysterious touch.
I love the clip at around 3:00, take off from the cliff.
The colony at Runde is far more difficult to film, as the birds location is almost out of reach, in the steep cliffs. I have managed though to record the gannets with my 400 mm lense and an 2x extention.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful bird with us.

Geir Inge

Paul Wood
October 15th, 2015, 08:31 AM
Amazing footage of the gannet, and with the suitable orchestral music to boot!

I have to say, I was a bit disconcerted, having settled into the nice family scenes at 01.15, with the lulling strings, to be confronted by what I assume was a territorial fight at 01.44, while still being lulled by the strings. Poor head pecked gannet looked like he was losing, and i wondered how he was?

But by 02.27 our hero is back, licking his wounds, and is also inspired by the change in music at 02.39 to take flight amongst this magnificent cliffs with his erstwhile enemies, and his buddies, and off to fish again!

Just shows that you can tell a story without words!

You might look at Smartsound - they have some royalty free ¨sound alike¨ tracks that will steer clear of copyright issues.

Catherine Russell
October 15th, 2015, 09:43 AM
Hi Steve:

I have two general questions that I was going to let go, but they are needling me as time goes on!

First: In this entry, you focus a bit on what seems to be aggressive behavior. But I know nothing about Northern Gannets and was wondering if this was play? feeding display? much needed training sparring? or simply a piling on on one not as strong as the others? Just curious.

Second: In your other entry that is posted on Vimeo, at the very end you mention that global warming is making it more difficult for the Puffins, but you don't expand on an answer as to how. I'd love to know. Global warming has such a different impact depending on where you are on the globe. Here in Colorado, since about the '80's, increased temperature and a decrease of overall moisture has drought and wildfire on the rise. But to complicate matters, so has the intensity of precipitation when it does happen, which contributes to more flash flooding and mud slides. In the past 30 years, Colorado has endured both a 500-yr flood (2013) and a 1,000-yr flood (1976), not to mention countless devastating wildfires, which really makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!


Vishal Jadhav
October 17th, 2015, 11:04 PM
Hi Steve,

I am watching all the films in installments i guess, 2 at a time between something else .

This one is special , superb footage in spite of the challenging conditions, i love all the pieces in it.

The necking display i suppose what its called if it may be achieved at eye level may take this to a new level as we see that in some of the photographs of that display. On the ending i would like it to be at the spot where the bird drops off the cliff and the music pitch also drops off , till that point the pitch really has a amazing momentum for me, the ending footage might be interwoven with the fights and still might be amazing. however its my view and i think this one is amazing.