David Dixon
October 8th, 2015, 02:15 PM
I posted this on the FB page but thought it might be useful here as well. If like me, you got the 4K upgrade and sent in the stuff required for the rebate but have not heard back, you should check on the status. I sent mine in 3 months ago but they won't contact you if something is missing.
To check the status, contact Sony Promotional Support Center, either at SonyProRebates@meridinet.com
or call them: (800) 295-5981
They were very nice and helpful and allowed me to send in the one form I was missing via email.
Tim Paynter
October 13th, 2015, 05:47 PM
Maybe they were friendly, their failure to contact you over a 3 month period speaks volumes to their customer service. Thanks for the tip about how to get issues resolved with Sony. As for me, this dampens my desire to do business with them.
David Dixon
October 13th, 2015, 06:25 PM
Yes, that's why I'm not a fan of mail in rebates in general but thought it was worth $300 to attempt to get this one. Regardless of the company, it's simply easier and cheaper for them if they make it complex and/or tedious to get the rebate so they can avoid paying you. And if you don't cross every t and dot every i, they don't generally go out of their way to assist at all.
I was told on the phone I'd get my rebate in 4-6 weeks, but an auto generated email a couple of days later said 8-10 weeks. It's only been about one week so we'll see how it goes.
John Nantz
October 13th, 2015, 11:02 PM
Speaking of delayed rebates, that is a problem I had with the purchase of a Fuji Techno-Stabi 14x40 binoculars a few years back. The rebate date kept being postponed and delayed. Did some research about rebates and and the legal requirements in the US then wound up filing a complaint with some Government agency.
Just did a quick search and came up with this link Rebates | Consumer Information (http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0096-rebates) but it doesn’t say what I wanted to find, something like 60 days or so (based on foggy memory).
At the time of the Fuji rebate issue there was a time limit that companies had to comply with but I couldn’t find it in this link. In the case of the Fuji binoculars it was several hundred dollars so it was worthwhile to rattle their cage. Don’t think it really sped anything up though.