Anthony Lelli
October 8th, 2015, 10:24 AM
busted the hdmi on GH4. is there voltage in there? the nightmare of the old firewire is back. The difference is that before there was no other way than firewire to retrieve the footage, now at least we have the cards. Anyway careful with the hdmi (in particular when connecting to a TV set ... from my first searches it looks like there is high voltage coming out from there and the pins are soooooo small and close to eachother and easy to short, smaller than firewire for sure)
William Hohauser
October 8th, 2015, 05:10 PM
One line on an HDMI wire is specified for 5 volts however that doesn't mean that the GH cameras are supplying voltage on that pin or the TV is either. Best to make sure you have HDMI output disabled in the GH4 menu.
The difference between 6 pin FireWire and 4 pin FireWire is that the 4 pin wires lack any voltage and therefore unlikely to burn-out circuits by inserting the connector the wrong way.
The mini-HDMI connectors are terrible which is why people were pushing Panasonic for an alternative. The expensive SDI/Battery attachment is Panasonic response to the HDMI problem with the GH series.