Cameron Poole
October 4th, 2015, 10:39 AM
I'm interested to know what the members of this forum would recommend.
I don't think I will be needing 4K as the majority of my work will be party videos on beaches and in clubs in low light. I've heard that 4K is a lot of extra work in post. Also, the work i'll be doing will be for promotional use on websites.
I was initially looking at the Panasonic GH4 but it's a little over budget.
My budget is about 1,500 USD.
I look forward to your recommendations.
Noa Put
October 4th, 2015, 03:42 PM
For me 4K handles almost the same as HD, if you have the right pc/nle you will hardly notice the difference. If lowlight performance is important then a dslr with a fast prime seems to be the only solution, what do you shoot with now and do you have lenses?
Cameron Poole
October 5th, 2015, 12:36 AM
The past four years I've been shooting with a Panasonic AG HMC 152 EN which is now obsolete of course, though still good for weddings and other shoots it is very big and cumbersome.
I have never had a DSLR or a mirrorless camera but this seems to be my best option as I shoot much better run-and-gun style rather than setting up tripods and getting everything ready.
Is there anything under 1,500 that would suit my needs? Perhaps I would be better off looking at a second hand or pre $K model.
Chris Harding
October 5th, 2015, 02:31 AM
Hi Cameron
If 4K is not a big deal you could always look at the Panasonic AC-90 ??? It's in your price range and you would find it an easy transition from the HMC152 as well !!
Cameron Poole
October 5th, 2015, 03:46 AM
Thankyou Chris, will Google it now.
Gary Huff
October 5th, 2015, 04:45 AM
You're not going to find a camera that is best for both kinetic and lowlight, so you should decide which is more important for you.
If lowlight is, you can't go wrong with a used Sony A7S.
Jon Fairhurst
October 5th, 2015, 04:54 AM
You're not going to find a camera that is best for both kinetic and lowlight, so you should decide which is more important for you.
Well, there's the Alexa.
The challenge is kinetic, low-light ...and budget. :)
And yes, the A7S recommendation for low-light is spot on.
Gary Huff
October 5th, 2015, 04:58 AM
Well, there's the Alexa
I would not include the Alexa in that. It's top ISO is 3200, and I bet it doesn't perform that well either (I've personally never seen it set over 800).
The best camera for both is the C300 Mark II, with its 120ms sensor readout and insane lowlight performance.
Lower than that, you cannot beat the A7S, but the rolling shutter is far, far more sensitive to motion.