Mike Watson
September 28th, 2015, 02:10 PM
Often when traveling we shoot in hotel rooms. I upgrade to a suite and then do a little "shopping" from the elevator lobby and a potted plant from here or there, and shoot an interview in the room. This is usually in a mid-size 4 or 5* hotel.
In Vegas, I always feel like with heavy camera and security presence I am being scrutinized. I have a suite at the Bellagio Tuesday and Wednesday to do some interviews. Previously, I've travelled pretty low profile. Can I bring my whole video cart in, or is it best to come in hiding things in suitcases?
Vince Pachiano
September 28th, 2015, 03:17 PM
I cannot answer your specific question, but I'd think twice about borrowing hotel property.
If it's a public space (i.e. not your hotel room), it's pretty much guaranteed that there is a HD camera watching you.
Mike Watson
September 28th, 2015, 03:20 PM
I generally lay off on doing that when in one of the Vegas mega hotels.
Mark Watson
September 29th, 2015, 02:55 AM
I always make the extra effort to be low profile rather than advertising that there's expensive gear in my room. In your specific case, I'd just make arrangements for the hotel staff to cover the cart with a table cloth and have the staff bring it to your room. This way, you know the 1 or 2 staff people who know what you have, and they know that you know.
I also stay in hotels several times a year and I can say I've never had anything stolen. Amazing as that is.
Side note: I ordered my FS7 and lots of accessories ($22,000 total) and had it all shipped to a 2-star hotel in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada about a month ago. 2-star hotel. B&H called to make sure it was legit, my bank called to confirm. So, I tell the front desk I'm expecting a shipment that day and to let me know when it arrives. I go downstairs and find a huge stack of boxes in the lobby.... unsecured.... near the front entrance. (mini stroke happened right there) I inquire and the staff tells me maybe mine is in the stack. I load up a cart and take it up to the room to find I got one box that belongs to another guest. Point being, anybody could have wheeled my stuff outside and gone. I guess that's as close a call as I've had with losing stuff at a hotel. Afterwards I made sure to be present in the lobby for the next 3 deliveries of stuff I had to order (like a mic).
Steven Digges
September 29th, 2015, 10:42 AM
I only hide things for my own security reasons. As far as your question about do you need to hide your work from the hotel the answer is no. You are free to do what you want in a rented suite. I do it all the time. The Bellagio gets weird if they think you are an outside AV company working in their meeting space. Your fine in the suite.
Mark is right on about the table cloth and a bellman. I would add that I am a very generous tipper. And the trick is I tip staff members BEFORE they perform any special request I make to ensure I get the extra care I need. Vegas is a cash city, money talks. I have talked to a lot of bellmen and baggage people. I was surprised to learn some of them don't like guys like me at first with a big pile of stuff. The reason for that is they say many people with loads of stuff burden them with it but do not tip proportionately. That is why I tip them first. It is my gear and my lively hood. I figure it is money well spent.
Here is the funny part. I have never had staff give me a hard time about shooting in a room. But video gear does get a lot of attention and I can assure every bellman I have ever met knows what is inside a PortaBrace case. So what they really want to know is if you are shooting porn or not? They all seem to make a joke about that or outright ask me if thats what I am doing. They usually look quite disappointed when I tell them it is just boring executive interviews!