Paul Anderegg
September 22nd, 2015, 06:15 PM
I am attempting to fill out the $300 rebate form from Sony for the 4K upgrade purchase. It is asking me for the "serial nuber" of the upgrade, a 5-7 digit number preceded by a "S01". My box and papers for the 4K upgrade, as well as the install emails and files from Sony list no serial number, and no number period beginning with S01. My X70 doesn't even have a serialo number beginning with S01!
Anyone have a clue aboutr this? I have one week to postmark this, and I am afraid if I inquire with Sony, they will respond AFTER the mail in date has expired. :(
NVM, I saw it want the X70 s/n, the rebate fiorm is a hot mess.
David Dixon
September 22nd, 2015, 07:23 PM
I don't remember the details now, as I did this back in July, but the box you bought contains a serial number, which you must confirm with Sony to get an Install Key. Originally you had to go to a web site and register an account with them to get the Install Key, but on a Mac the web site did not work and we had to either call or email them to get it.
Of course, the fact that I sent in my rebate info around July 10 and have not heard a peep since then is another matter.
Here's a thread from July about it, but read it all the way through as the initial info there may not be complete:
If memory serves there may have been a full set of instructions for this at the FaceBook page as well so you might search there.
Good Luck
Mark Goodsell
September 23rd, 2015, 07:23 AM
Speaking of rebates, anybody know if there are any current rebates for us 'later' X70 purchasers who bought our cameras 'after' the rebate dates?
Craig Seeman
September 23rd, 2015, 07:31 AM
I think the assumption is that those of us who bought later got the camera at the lower price (after the $200 price drop). The rebate is for the pain (problems) the early adopters had.