View Full Version : Anyone using JK MIC-J 044 Lavaliers?

Peter Rush
September 14th, 2015, 01:36 AM
I think I've seen this brand mentioned in a few posts?

Any comments from you folks who've used them? I want to get 3 new lav mics for my Sony recorders


Steve Bleasdale
September 14th, 2015, 03:07 AM
Yes Pete remember i was telling you about them but after being very very good they break very easily so i ended sending them back and getting the olympus me-15 again which works well with my dm70s recorders,

Peter Rush
September 14th, 2015, 03:31 AM
Yeah I remember now Steve - I'm just revisiting this as I've got time now the season is winding down - I need to spend a little on audio so I'm getting another sony voice recorder so I'll have 4 the same and the Tascam DC-10C for the groom which I'll use with my Sennheiser ME2 lavalier.

I am therefore still looking for 4 lavalier mics for my Sony recorders - I do have an ME-15 but it's a little 'hot' compared to my Audio-Technica ATR-3350 mics, which sound great but the really long 6m cable and having an extra 'on-off' switch to remember means I don't want to use them next season.

Steve Bleasdale
September 14th, 2015, 03:34 AM
Ok cool for some reason mine are not but i put down the level on the dm670s as they allow that to 6db and adjust in post which gives a nice sound. The Azdens are OK, see you tube a guy testing loads and they came out the best. the Aspen good but expensive and the others are just as good

Peter Rush
September 14th, 2015, 03:35 AM
Is the clip on the Azden black or silver Steve?

Steve Bleasdale
September 14th, 2015, 04:06 AM
Black silver, but ebay you can get the full silver and amazon mine was more black but a bit of silver in it. here are two sounds one azden one me-15 no difference

Steve Bleasdale
September 14th, 2015, 04:07 AM
azden on the registrar

Peter Rush
September 14th, 2015, 04:13 AM
Cheers Steve