View Full Version : is lens metadata possible?

Erick Munari
September 5th, 2015, 11:54 AM
Is it possible to get lens metadata on FCPX? I did a series of tests using different lenses and I can't remember which was which anymore.

Thank you in advance!

Craig Seeman
September 6th, 2015, 09:04 AM
While if you look at the Extended Settings in the FCPX Inspector you'd think so, apparently that information is not imported. This despite the fact that FCPX seems to have had that intent from its early days. Time to rattle Apple's cage with a feature request. Perhaps it works with some limited set of cameras but it's never worked for me.

William Hohauser
September 7th, 2015, 03:40 AM
My question is if lens data is even recorded in video files. How is a zoom notated or a change in exposure?

Craig Seeman
September 7th, 2015, 12:25 PM
Some Cameras do. My Sony EX1 (since sold) had that info and it was visible in Sony's own software but not in FCPX. I have a Sony X70 now which I haven't yet checked in Sony's Catalyst Browse but it's certainly not there in FCPX. You can see FCPX metadata fields for EXIF and despite that being visible in other software, it's not visible in FCPX. Seems Apple really failed to implement a lot of the potential metadata.

Bill Davis
September 12th, 2015, 08:26 PM
The thing is that extended metadata like lens settings often flows from the camera with the POTENTIAL to be read downstream in an NLE like X, but I see folks all the time with workflows that cut it off before it arrives.

First is does your camera system write it to the individual clips, or just to the card level? If the latter, then you HAVE to preserve this if you want to benefit from it in post.

Finder copy stages where you drag clips into folders before importing has the potential to cut off this kind of volume based metadata. So if you want it, you need a workflow that preserves it.

X reads and LOVES volume metadata - when you have a workflow that supports it. This is partly why they have the internal Camera Archive system that is designed to preserve Volume metadata as it's default.

IF your camera writes it, and you successfully establish an X workflow that preserves it - it's AWESOME to look at the Extended Metadata view in the inspector and see it full of useful data including lens type, focal length, zoom setting, etc.

I was amazed and delighted the first time I Shared a video directly out of X into my Vimeo Pro account - and when later downloaded and dropped the clip into Media Info, my NAME was in the Camera Operator field - cuz it flowed all the way through the X system from where I had originally entered it into my 5dMkII owners screen months before!