View Full Version : Working with DV widescreen footage in AE 6.5

Thomas Shaddox
October 18th, 2005, 03:15 PM
Whenever I create a comp from my Panasonic GS150's widescreen DV footage, it automatically uses the preset DV Widescreen, 720x480, pixel aspect ratio 1.2 isntead of the normal .9. Exported footage looks fine, but while editing, the comp view is still in the 4:3 ratio for normal DV, so everything looks tall and thing. Since it looks fine exported, it wouldn't be a problem, EXCEPT that doing titling and effects, it's difficult to always remember to make everything skinnier than it should be in the final export. Any suggestions?

Xander Christ
October 18th, 2005, 07:30 PM
On the right side of your comp window is a little triangle, click it and the 'view options' window appears. Click 'pixel aspect ratio correction' and your comp will now appear in widescreen mode.

Or, if you're icon savvy, on the bottom of the comp window, click the little square thing next to the the "Active Camera" drop menu. That is the 'pixel aspect ratio correction' icon.

If you use Adobe's help menu and search for 'pixel aspect ratio' it'll tell you everything you wanted to know and more.