View Full Version : CAME-TV Single 3 axis Gimbal

Clive McLaughlin
August 31st, 2015, 03:08 AM
I had posted this elsewhere on the forums, but seeing Noa's thread in here on the Beholder, I thought I'd do the same...

When my CAME-TV arrived last week I was watching back the test footage within a half hour.

The balance of the camera took five minutes at most, and the out of box settings handled it really well.

The thing is completely silent. I didn't realise it was properly on until I realised the gimbal was actually working. I could hear and feel nothing from the motors - very slick.

The Nebula 4000 Lite served me quite well for the past 4/5 months despite my initial headaches with two faulty models and the worst customer service I've ever experienced in my life.

But, with absolute ease this product dominates the Nebula in every way.

Its build quality is superb, the tooless balance is simple, it looks great, it feels super slick and handles well, and the ability to 'force learn' a new neutral position to the software is very useful.

Down sides:

-Handle is not comfortable IMO - I would rather the handle from the Nebula.

-CAME-TV say not to play with the settings since each gimbal is uniquely setup and so default profiles cannot be provided. I think I even heard it would void warranty. This does limit things and some camera/lens combos may require either more or less power on the motors which we are forbidden to do!

The camera in this footage is the Sony A7s with Sony 16mm f2.8 in crop mode with continuous autofocus.


Private Video on Vimeo